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The Map To Matilda

"Matilda is lost inside. Will a map show her the way?"

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Competition Entry: Winter Adventure

Matilda nervously settled into her cramped plane seat. She nervously ran her fingers through her long, curly blonde hair. She glanced out the window, hardly believing she was here. Was she crazy? Meeting a man for the first time in person in a foreign country - Austria!

Her mind flashed back to how she got here. Stomach tightening, she saw her fiance fucking her best friend in bed. She would never forget the looks on their faces when they looked up and saw her. She saw Vicki on all fours in a black negligee and some sort of collar with a leash and he was fucking her hard from behind. Shuddering, she closed her eyes tighter trying to make the vision go away. She knew why Ken preferred Vicki. She was every man's dream - sexy, uninhibited, outgoing and flirty. While Matilda always thought her boobs were too big and her butt was way too big, Vicki had a perfectly toned body. She was everything Matilda wasn't. Goody two shoes was Matilda's middle name, as she always lived on the side of caution. She was no stranger to being with unfaithful men either. This was the third time something like this had happened to her. She had wild, sexy thoughts too, but was reserved and unsure about herself. She felt lost. No confidence at all in who she was. 

After a while, she was tired of hiding her head in shame and something just snapped inside her. She joined an international dating site and met Jakob from Vienna, Austria. He was very easy to talk to and seemed to understand her innermost needs. He told her she needed an adventure and invited her to visit him in Vienna. He wanted to get her outside of her comfort zone.  Little did she know what he had in mind for her. Flying was something she had always been scared of. But she knew if she wanted her life to change, that she needed to start conquering some of her fears. Flying seemed to be a great place to start. 

Back to the present ... he was waiting for her at the airport. She saw this tall, handsome man with blonde hair holding a sign, 'Matilda' with a heart by her name. She caught her breath and stopped in her tracks. Was she really going through with this? She gathered her nerves and walked towards him. With each step, she felt like her legs were made of lead. When she finally reached him, she looked up into his sparkling green eyes and she knew that this was where she needed to be. He cupped her face and planted a gentle kiss on her lips. This would be a trip to remember. As mesmerized as she was by his green eyes, he was lost in her sky blue eyes. He saw her vulnerability behind them and knew he had to take special care of Matilda.

~ ~ ~ 

She woke up the next morning in the luxurious Grand Hotel Wien. She rolled over to look at her handsome bedmate, Jakob. They had spent a very romantic first night together. She blushed as she remembered him softly caressing her breasts and then not so softly fucking her. Damn, he was a great lover. She was more reserved than she had wanted to be. She kept covering her naked body with the blankets. Was still fighting those demons of her past. Her familiar friend, self-doubt had crept back in. 

"What are you thinking about, Matilda?" asked Jakob. "You look like a girl who has the weight of the world on her shoulders."

"Nothing, Jakob. I am fine," she lied.

Jakob pulled her on top of him and made her forget her troubled past, for a little while at least.

Hours later, they had showered and were dressed for the day and Jakob suggested they go for a walk. They had walked a few blocks when he stopped her and handed her a map.

"What is this?" Matilda said opening it. Her eyes went to a red 'X' on a spot with the words Body Appreciation written next to it.

Jakob said, "Think of this map as a scavenger hunt for your true identity. A hunt of sorts to pick up the things, feelings, and traits you need to become the confident sexual goddess you have locked up inside you. You will give me your cell phone and I will give you locations on a map for you to find all ... by ... yourself."

"Wha??? But ... but ... you aren't coming with me? I can't have my phone? What if I need help?" she stammered. "I can't speak German. I have never been here before. I have no idea what is even at this 'X' you marked."

Jakob raised his hand and gently put his fingers to her full lips to shush her.

"I will meet you at the Burberry store. That is your only clue. This is a confidence builder in many ways. First, you will gain confidence in finding this location on your own and once you get there you will gain more confidence with what I have planned. Please trust me."

Matilda wrinkled up her cute little nose, furrowed her brows and sighed.

"Now, off you go. I will meet you at the 'X'," Jakob leaned down and kissed her pouty lips, patted her bottom, and turned and walked away.

Frowning, Matilda just stared in disbelief as her handsome man walked away from her.

What was he thinking? How will stumbling around lost in a foreign city help me? 

She pouted for a few more minutes and then realized this is what she came here for - to face fears and find adventure.

OK. I can do this. I can do this

She decided to start by asking someone walking by.

"Excuse me, do you know where this is?" she asked pointing to her map as a man walked by her.

The man stopped and said something to her in German which of course she didn't understand.

This happened several more times. She was starting to get frustrated when an older woman approached her.

"Do you need help, honey?" she said sweetly in English.

'Oh my God, yes. Please tell me where this is and how to get there," Matilda begged. Embarrassed, she tried to cover the Body Appreciation words with her hand.

"That is the Kholmarkt," the woman replied. 

"Is there a Burberry store there?" Matilda asked hopefully.

"Yes, yes. you can't miss it," she said smiling. "It is too cold to walk, you had better get a taxi."

Matilda was unsure how to do this, so the woman helped her get one. The woman leaned in and told the driver to take her to Kholmarkt. Matilda hugged her quickly to show her gratitude and hopped into the taxi. She sighed relief that she was making progress. A little uneasiness overtook her at being in this taxi alone with a stranger driving, but she tried to be brave.

After a short drive, the taxi pulled over to the curb and the driver said something to her in German. She didn't know what to do except hold some euro money out to him, and he grabbed some, and she got out. She was excited to see Jakob's smiling face waiting for her outside Burberry. He greeted her with a warm hug and kiss which instantly warmed her cold body.

"A taxi, huh?" he asked smirking. "An expensive way to travel you know." 

Matilda thought about how many bills the taxi driver had taken and had to agree. Next time, a different mode of transportation.

"Now, for your drab wardrobe that screams, 'Don't look at me'," he said pulling at her oversized sweater and scowling.

He led her into the store and she spent hours trying on clothes for him. Of course, he selected some figure hugging items. She sheepishly stepped out of the dressing room for the first try-on, but then with his encouragement, she started having fun with it. When she looked into the mirror and saw herself in the form-fitting clothing, she was seeing her body in a new light. She did have very nice breasts. She was embracing her curves and was actually feeling sexy for the first time. Jakob was devilishly sneaking in some gropes while pretending to show her how well her pants were fitting her generous bottom. She finally caught on to him and playfully pushed his hand away.

While trying on one dress, the door suddenly opened. Jakob snuck into her dressing room.

"Get out," she whispered afraid someone would catch them.

Instead, he started kissing her and rubbing her near-naked body.

"I have something else new for you to try," he whispered. He pulled some small balls out of his pocket and showed them to her.

"What are those?" she said curiously.

"Turn around and bend over."

"Whaaa? No. What are you wanting to do with those?"

"Trust me. You wanted to try new things," he prodded, stroking her face. "Now, turn around and bend over."

Her eyes widened but she did what she was told. She braced herself against the wall and stuck her bottom out.

Jakob pulled her bikini underwear over to the side and she felt wet fingers push into her pussy. She gasped. Then, he pulled them out and she felt something else get pushed inside her. It was the little balls. She wiggled around and it felt, well, it felt kind of good.

"Keep these in for the rest of our shopping experience," he said.

As she came out of the dressing room and spun around for Jakob, others looked her way. It was kind of exciting knowing she had a secret that no one else knew. No one knew what she had inside her pussy and it excited her. 

~ ~ ~ 

Later that evening, Jakob took her to a nice dance club. She was wearing one of her new dresses. It was a bright blue that brought out the blue in her eyes, had a deep V to show off her beautiful big breasts and a short flowy skirt.

"Come on, let's dance," he said grabbing her hand.

"I'm not great at that," she said pulling back.

"Just follow my lead. Dancing is great foreplay. It is a very sensual act. Swaying your hips around is very sensual and dancing with a partner gives him chances to rub against you and touch you. All of these things build sexual desire. Come on," he said grabbing her hand and leading her to the dance floor.

Matilda allowed him to place his hands on her lower back and she started to sway to the music with him. She rested her head on his broad chest and closed her eyes and tried to feel the music. She forgot about the other people around them and began to move her hips more and pressed her breasts against him. He responded by reaching lower and rubbing her bottom. Then, lifting her chin, he gently kissed her lips. It seemed like a dream to her. She was feeling things she had not felt before. She allowed him to break their embrace. She bravely broke away from him and danced on her own. She was turning and shaking her voluptuous bottom for him and shimmying her shoulders seductively. Jakob flashed his pearly smile at her and had want in his eyes. She had never had a man look at her like that before.

~ ~ ~ 

Body appreciation - check

Jakob looked at Matilda as she slept, thinking about how different she was becoming. She was no longer the fragile, reserved girl he met online a few months ago. He smiled a devilish smile and thought a little exhibitionism should be her next adventure to help her find sexual confidence.

In the morning, after they got ready for the day, he handed her the map again. She saw the 'X' marked quite a ways from where they were with the words Sexual Confidence written beside it.

Frowning, she said, "Hey, this is outside the city!"

"Yes, it is. It will be more of a challenge for you to get to," he said smirking.

She dropped her head in disgust. 

"And what is Sexual Confidence about?"

"Well, I will give you another hint. At some point today, we will be having sexual interactions in a public place."

Her mouth dropped open. He put his finger to her luscious lips once again before she could protest.

He wrapped her in a warm hug and lovingly said, "I believe in you. Now skat!"

Matilda knew the train must be her ride. A taxi would be too expensive. With some help from the hotel staff, she made her way to the train station. The hotel concierge told her the destination on the map was the Obertauern Ski Resort. She was unnerved to find out it would be a 5-hour train ride. You can do this, she told herself.

Her handsome Jakob was waiting at the train station for her. It had been a long ride and she felt accomplished at having arrived at her destination on her own. She was gaining more confidence each day with each new experience.

Jakob pushed her to try skiing. She had never skied before and after she conquered her fear of heights by riding the chairlift, she conquered skiing too. He could see her confidence growing with each new adventure. Her smile lit up her face and her newly discovered confidence was a real turn-on. She was becoming more affectionate with him, bravely touching him more in public, randomly kissing him, and walking with a cute little swish of her hips.

Jakob had picked a really romantic lodge at the ski resort for the night. He was waiting for her in the hot tub, while she got ready in their room.

He looked up and saw a vision that blew him away. Matilda was dressed in a black fur coat she had splurged on while shopping yesterday. Her long blonde hair spilled over the fur collar. Her luscious curvy lips were painted shiny red. When she reached the hot tub, she slowly slid off her black fur coat to reveal a skimpy red bikini. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself and his rising cock. Her top barely covered her ample breasts and the bottom was held together by tiny strings on the sides. Stepping into the hot tub, she glanced up at him shyly smiling. She slid down into the soothing hot water across from him. Her breasts were amazing globes peeking out just above the water. God, how he wanted to touch her. She finally felt brave enough to meet his gaze. He saw the burning desire in her blue eyes and glided across the water to her. With one swoop, he lifted her up and sat her back on his lap, straddling him. 

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"God, you are beautiful, " he whispered, kissing her neck. 

He noticed she was stiff and knew why.

"Baby, no one knows you. You can do this. Trust me." 

She tried to relax. Excitement and terror overtook her. She glanced around relieved she didn't see anyone around.

It was an erotic sensation sitting in the very hot water, while the cool air caressed their faces. His lips felt warm though against her cool skin. Lips grazed her neck, then made their way up to her ear. 

"Mmmmmm," she said, already losing control.

His hands reached under her and grasped her bottom. He was rubbing her and delighting in her responses. She was arching her back and thrusting her sweet spot against his hardness in his swimsuit. There was something exciting about being with him in public. No one could probably see what was going on under the water, but she was glad there were no eyes upon them anyways.

"Please," she begged.

"Please what?" he replied slyly while continuing to assault her ear with his tongue.

She did not reply.

He slid his hand underneath her swimsuit and his finger parted her lips and found what it sought. Matilda swayed her hips back and forth. He inserted a second finger and soon had her bouncing up and down, trying to take him deeper. His thumb found her clit and she let out a whimper.

"Please," she begged again, taking a quick peek around them.

Jakob continued fucking her with his fingers and whispered into her ear, "Matilda, tell me what you want. You have to tell me. Say it."

Matilda was wildly bucking against his hand and whispered louder, "Fuck me. Ok. Fuck me."

He had noticed an audience from two of the balconies above but had not told her. Being watched just excited him more. Smiling to himself, he would make sure she saw them at the point of no return.

He lifted her up off his lap and said, "Get on your knees on the seat and face the side, honey."

She did as he said. Her bottom was just above the surface of the water and she had her elbows resting on the side. He moved behind her and rubbed her back. He felt her goosebumps appear. Pulling on her strings holding up her bikini bottom, he let it fall off and float to the top of the tub. With his fingers, he stroked her lips, and then pushed his rigid cock inside her. She fell forward against the side of the tub, clutching the sides with her fingers. His fingers found her taut nipple and pinched it, which he thrust into her. Their bottoms were above the water and the water splashed her with each thrust. It was very little noise, but the splashes seemed very loud to her as she feared they would attract attention. Leaning forward, he kissed her neck as she tried to keep from screaming. 

"Matilda, you feel so good inside. My cock was made for your pussy," he whispered. "Cum for me, baby."

With ragged breath, she could only whisper, "Please don't stop."

"Are you sure, baby. You really don't want me to stop?" he replied as he quickened his thrusts.

Then, he lifted up her chin so she could see the couple watching them from their balcony. She gasped and bent her face down. Jakob abruptly pulled out but gently continued pushing his cock against her round bottom.

Matilda was horrified at being watched, but there was no turning off her need for him. She flipped her hair around, looking over her shoulder at Jakob. He saw her need. 

"They are aroused by you, Matilda. You are so gorgeous and sexy in the night light," he said.

"Fuck me," she mouthed, finding courage with his reassurance.

He pushed inside her again and whispered in her ear, "I am going to fuck you until you scream. The whole lodge will hear you, baby."

He grabbed her hips roughly with his hands and fucked her hard and fast. Then he slowed down to tease her. She looked over her shoulder again at him, begging him for more with her beautiful blue eyes.

'Please," she mouthed.

God, her red lips were so sexy.

He quicked his pace again and reached around rubbing her clit with his thumb. She was biting her lip. He would make her scream. He thrust and thrust and thrust. Then, she pushed her bottom hard against him and let out a scream that definitely would wake every living thing in the lodge. Jakob stayed inside her as she rode out her orgasm. He glanced up to see one man on the balcony now behind his woman, rubbing her breasts as they watched them. 

"Look at what you did," he said, gesturing to the balcony. "Look at the effect you had on them."

Matilda smiled with new confidence. She did feel sexy in this moment and stronger than ever. Jakob held her tightly against him, whispering reassurances into her ear.

After their audience left, Jakob pulled out, pulled up his swimsuit, and stood up, reaching for a towel. He hardly noticed the chilly air. He lifted up Matilda, still naked from the waist down, and grabbed her bikini bottom floating in the water. He wrapped his towel around her and led her out of the tub. He lifted her into his arms and carried her back to her room. 

Sexual confidence - check.

Light pain was a close cousin to pleasure. Next, Jakob would uncover what a sharp pinch would do to her sensitive nipples or maybe a spanking on her voluptuous bottom. His cock once again grew at the thought of what was next.

~ ~ ~

"Here is your map, Matilda," he said. "Find your next spot."

Matilda giggled. She poured over the map and finally found the 'X'. She was beginning to enjoy these little challenges now. The spot was marked Sexual Exploration.

"No better spot to try a little dominance and submission," he said smiling mischievously. "Do you know what a dominant and a submissive are?" he asked.

"Ummmm, I have heard of them, but not really,"

"Well, a dominant tells the submissive what he wants her to do and she obeys him," he continued, watching her closely.

"What? Well, what if the submissive disobeys?" she said.

"Then, the dominant must punish her," he said smiling. and tapped her lightly on her bottom.

"Punish her. I am supposed to be getting stronger. Only a weak woman would be submissive ... letting a man control her," she yelled, growing angry.

"It isn't usually like that, Matilda. Usually a submissive feels stronger in the experience. It takes a strong woman to trust a man enough to let him be dominant. Submitting can be a freeing experience. I really want to experiment with this today. I have an instinct that you might like being a submissive. If you don't, you don't, but the experience won't hurt you. It will help you on your journey of self-discovery and self-confidence. Trust me?"

"I will trust you, Jakob."

"My two rules for today is you obey me without question and you do not utter one negative thing about yourself." Matilda nodded in agreement.

"My first command is for you to shed your panties, my dear."

"Wha?? No!" she shrieked.

"Dear, this isn't starting off well. Now, please shed your panties."

Matilda grumbled but slid off her panties and threw them at Jakob.

Matilda furrowed her brows, showing her uncertainty. But, she didn't come all this way to shy away from new things. She kissed him and headed out the door to her next adventure.

She arrived at the breathtaking Schonbrunn Palace by bus. She had bravely chosen a cherry red dress with matching red lipstick. It was a sharp contrast to her blonde hair, and quite different from her usual drab colors. She had seen others on the bus looking her over as she walked by, and this was a new experience for her. Another breathtaking sight was Jakob in his dark, fitted suit waiting for her. He led her into the amazing palace for the concert.

After they were seated and the music began to play, Jakob leaned over and whispered, "Love, put your coat across your lap."

"Why?" she asked, eyeing him curiously. 

"A submissive doesn't question her dom," he replied sternly.

Matilda did as Jakob requested and put her coat across her lap. Then, his hand slid under her coat and slowly slid up her dress. She had goosebumps as his gentle hands stroked her skin. When his thumb found her sweet spot, she jumped a little.

"Do not release, love," Jakob whispered. "And don't squirm."

Matilda struggled to maintain her composure. She tried to focus on the glittering chandeliers above and the soothing music to calm herself. Jakob smiled at her obvious discomfort. His torture continued. She reached over and squeezed his hand for strength. She was about to cum when he suddenly stopped rubbing her. She lay her head on his shoulder and let out a deep breath.

"Good girl."

Matilda couldn't wait to get back to the room and be fucked by this man. She ached from head to toe.

After the concert, they were walking around the grounds and saw a commotion. A man had dropped to one knee and proposed to his lucky girlfriend. Matilda and Jakob sat on a bench to watch the excitement. The crowd applauded as the elated girlfriend wrapped her arms around her new fiance in indescribable happiness.

Matilda saw the lovebirds and couldn't help but feel jealous and a lack of confidence suddenly overtook her.

They left the palace and had just climbed in a cab when Matilda said sadly, "That will never be me." 

Jakob frowned.

"I told you to never put yourself down again in front of me or anyone else. Now, you get a punishment," he said.

"Ok. Ok. Ok, I'm sorry," she said, suddenly worried about his threat of punishment.

"You need to learn your lesson," he said sternly.

With one swoop, he pulled her face-down across his lap. She struggled to get up and he held her down. 

"Stay put," he ordered.

He lifted her skirt exposing her soft, round bottom. She had a very spankable bottom.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked, struggling again to get up.

"You disobeyed me, so now you will get a spanking!"

He brought his hand down hard on her right cheek with a Smack Smack Smack

She wriggled to sit back up and his strong hand held her down. He wrapped his right leg around the back of her legs to keep them in place.

Smack Smack Smack 

Her bottom stung from his spanking, but she was surprised she was also finding the spanking erotic. Feeling his hand on her naked bottom, while his other hand held her in place, was wildly erotic. She felt herself growing wet between her legs. She quit struggling and tried to accept these sensations. And she felt an odd growing closeness to this handsome man delivering her spanking.

He gave her a very sound spanking before he finally ceased.

"Are you going to put yourself down again?" he asked.

"Ummm, I guess not," she said sheepishly.

Smack Smack

"Alright. Alright. No, I will not put myself down ever again," she answered, bowing her head in submission.

Jakob pulled her up from his lap and she buried her head in his shoulder, very embarrassed now. He hugged her tightly and gently rubbed her stinging bottom. She couldn't make herself look up to see the expression on their driver's face.

"Matilda, I think you needed a good spanking a long time ago."

"Maybe," she whispered into his ear, while secretly smiling.

Sexual exploration - check

~ ~ ~

Jakob reflected upon the day, smiling. He was surprised she seemed to like being submissive and how much spanking seemed to turn her on.  And more surprising was how much it turned him on. He might be uncovering some new sides to himself along this adventure. He was shocked at how his feelings had grown for her. Tearing up, he tried to push his thoughts of her leaving aside. 

He rolled over and watched her sleeping. After a while, he gently parted her legs and awoke her from her slumber for one last night of lovemaking.

~ ~ ~

"Don't leave, Matilda," Jakob said, looking deeply into her eyes.

"I can't stay, Jakob. My life is back in America. We both knew what this was from the beginning. You will forget about me as soon as I leave."

"I will never forget you, Matilda," he said, kissing her again on her luscious lips.

"And I will never forget you and all you have given me," she said softly.

"Here, take your map as a remembrance of your adventures and discoveries."

She accepted the map, pulled away in tears, grabbed her suitcase, and headed towards the gate. She couldn't bear a glance back as she walked through the gate.

Once seated on the plane, she couldn't get comfortable. For the life of her, she couldn't remember anything back home that she needed to get back to. Why couldn't she stay here? She knew she wanted to. Hadn't she learned to follow her inner feelings? 

Abruptly, she stood up, grabbed her carry-on out of the overhead compartment and hurried down the aisle to the front of the plane. The stewardess had not closed the door yet.

"Maam, may I help you," the stewardess asked concerned.

"I am getting off this plane," Matilda answered with urgency.

"What? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I need to leave. Now," said Matilda sternly.

Brushing past the shocked stewardess, she ran off the plane and out of the terminal toward the parking lot. After frantically scanning the parking lot, she breathed a sigh of relief. She spotted Jakob still sitting in his car. He was just sitting there staring ahead. Matilda knew she was leaving her old life behind and a new, better chapter of her life was starting. She had finally found herself and no longer needed her map. 


Written by KimmiBeGood
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