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Out Of Darkness, Chapter 1

"She finds that life is more than meets the eye!"

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It had been almost three years since the accident, and Carol had been pretty much been housebound since the truck driver had taken away her sight and her former life.

She remembered what it was like before the accident. She'd had a good job as a commercial loan officer with a local bank and had a promising career there. She made good money, and worked with a great bunch of people. She also had a fairly active social life. Carol was a pretty popular girl - outgoing and flirtatious with both the boys and the girls. She had a big social circle. And while she wasn't firmly attached to anyone in particular, she did have a couple of very interested suitors who she thought might someday want to take the next step. Yeah, it was a pretty good life and she was very happy. That is, until that fateful day when she just happened to cross paths with the man who would change her whole world.

Now she had no job and no social life. Her small one-bedroom apartment was her whole world. The only time she left it was when she needed to buy groceries... and that was just a walk down one flight of stairs and to the left of her apartment building one block, to the small local "mom and pop" convenience store. The owners, a nice Italian couple, knew her well and they were always very kind and helpful.

Her best girlfriend, Anna, came by to see her at least once a week to check on her and see if she needed anything. Anna and Carol had been close friends for many years since Anna had moved to Bismarck. They were the best of friends long before the accident, and she stayed with Carol almost constantly while she was in the hospital recovering. Anna was there when the doctor had given Carol the news about her eyesight, and Anna was the one who pulled her out of the resulting deep depression. Since then, she had been coming by regularly and Carol always looked forward to her visit. Anna was practically the only visitor she had, except for the people from the disability assistance program that stopped by every month to ask if there was anything they could do for her. Carol hated that visit because they would always seems so patronizing - telling her how she "should not let her blindness keep her from enjoying life." Such nonchalant statements from people who had no idea what it was like to be blind just pissed Carol off to no end!

One day when Anna had come by for her regular visit, she approached Carol with an idea.

"Hey Carol, I was watching this program on television about Mexican resort cities like Puerto Vallarta and Acapulco. Some of those places look really nice! I was just thinking - how great would it be if we took a vacation to someplace warm like that? What do you say, want to go on an adventure?"

"Oh I don't know Anna... I mean sightseeing isn't much fun when you have no sight!"

"Aw, c'mon Carol! It'll be fun! It will be good to get away from this cold ass place for awhile and get some sun! Don't you get tired of always being cold?"

"Well yeah, I do get cold a lot. But what is there to do for someone like me? I can't see the tropical sunsets or the places and sights."

"Carol, you can still experience the warm sand, you can still smell the ocean, and taste the wonderful food can't you? Just because you can't see, doesn't mean you stop living, girl!"

"No, I suppose not," Carol said, still unsure about the idea.

"Well then, let's go!" Anna pressed.

"I'll think about it, okay?" Carol said.

"Well I have to put my vacation request in soon so don't take too long!" Anna said. The subject was dropped then and the girls went on with the visiting, talking about Anna's work and all the latest gossip and family news.

A couple days later, Carol called her friend at work. "Hi Anna!"

"Hi Carol, what's wrong?" Anna asked, surprised and concerned that Carol called her at work. She didn't usually do that.

"Nothing's wrong, hon. I just wanted to tell you I thought about that vacation idea of yours and if you still want to go, I'm up for it too," Carol said.

"That's wonderful! I'll put my vacation request in today! Oh Carol, we're going to have so much fun!" Anna said, happily.

* * * * * * * * * *

About a month later, their trip was fast approaching. The girls got together one Saturday afternoon for a day of shopping and primping in preparation for the trip.

"So what do you think of this one?" Carol said, as she tried on one of the swimsuits Anna picked out for her.

"Ooh, that's pretty! And it makes you look hot too, Carol! I think that's the one!" Anna said, clapping her hands in glee.

"Really? Ok then, if you think so."

"Oh, I do. You have such a great figure Carol. I wish I was as stacked as you are!" Anna said. Anna tentatively reached out to lightly graze her fingertips across Carol's ample tits. "You have such wonderful breasts honey," Anna said softly. Carol thrust out her chest a bit letting Anna know it was okay to touch. Carol loved to have her tits played with anyway, and knowing it was her best friend made it even better. Carol let out a soft sigh as Anna traced the outline of her hardening nipples under the suit.

"We'd better go before we start making out right here in the dressing room," Carol giggled.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" Anna said, teasingly.

Carol reached up and brought Anna's face close to her own. She kissed her girlfriend on the lips. "Now Anna, you know I love you, honey, and I'm not shy about being with a woman either - you know that about me too. But there are more comfortable places than a store dressing room if we want to get amorous!" Carol said.

"I know sweetie, I was just playing with you," Anna said.

The girls finished their shopping with Anna buying a swimsuit as well, and both of them getting some other essential things they would need for their trip. After shopping, the two girls went to a beauty salon to get a makeover.

Now normally a woman is all over a chance to get a makeover, with all the primping and fussing about. But this was the first time Anna had been able to convince Carol to get a makeover. And it took some doing too... Carol was very self-conscience about the way she looked since her accident. She knew that being blind, her eyes didn't look or act the way normal sighted people's eyes did. They didn't track and follow people when they moved and she knew that fact made people uncomfortable. Carol always wore her darkest sunglasses whenever she was in public and so for her to now be sitting in a beauty salon where women go to look better and get all made up was a very big step for her.

Anna went first, just trying to make things go smoother and to show Carol that it would be all right. And the girls at the salon were very understanding with Carol's misgivings. They made a special point in treating Carol's disability as if it was nothing unusual. After the girls had gotten their hair done, they both decided to get manicures and pedicures. After their nails were done, Anna got bolder.

"I think I am going to get waxed. I want to look especially hot in that new swimsuit when we are at the pool! Maybe I'll get lucky and find myself someone who can help me out of it!" Anna said. The two girls giggled at length at that remark.

After the salon the pair headed home, satisfied that the day was successful. Both of them looked stunning with their new hairdo's and makeup and even Carol had to admit she had fun. She looked forward to taking this trip with her best friend - maybe a chance to get out of North Dakota is just what she needed after all. If nothing else it would be a chance to experience something new and different and going with Anna would make sure she stayed safe.

The following week was spent packing and making all the arrangements for the trip. Anna made sure her work was caught up and she reminded her boss that she would be gone. Meanwhile Carol informed her disability assistance worker that she would be gone as well as the neighbors who looked out for her. She asked her neighbors to keep an eye on her apartment which they said they would be happy to. So with all the arrangements set and the girls packed and ready to go, the day of their trip came at last.

Carol had been to the Bismarck airport a few times in the past, but this was the first time she had been there since losing her sight. She was more than a little bit anxious about travelling, but with Anna by her side she felt a lot better about it. She would let Anna deal with the ticket agents and getting them to the proper gates at the right time. She would just concentrate on not getting separated - that would be terrifying! They did get through the ticket counter and through the security gate with little trouble and the girls even made it to their gate with a couple minutes to spare. As they sat at the gate waiting to board, one of the agents come up to speak with Carol.

"Excuse me miss, but would you like to pre-board? It might be easier for you both," she said.

"That would be wonderful," Anna said. And so, a couple of minutes before the regular boarding call, the agent came up and helped Carol and Anna board the plane and get settled in their seats. The agent also let the flight attendant know that Carol might need some extra help during the flight.

The flight from Bismarck to Los Angeles was smooth, although Carol got a bit nervous when the plane took off. But Anna's relaxed attitude helped calm Carol down. After all, if Anna wasn't worried about anything, she shouldn't be either!

After a six hour flight, the captain came on over the plane's speaker system announcing their impending landing at Los Angeles International Airport. Carol was excited about being in L.A. but at the same time apprehensive about being in such a large city. And she had no idea how big the airport that she would soon be in really was. The flight attendant let Carol and Anna off first before the rest of the passengers disembarked. Anna helped Carol walk down the covered gangway leading into the terminal building and as they went through the door into the airport itself, Carol got her first sense of how massive the place was.

"Oh my god... this place is huge!" Carol gasped as she processed the different sounds reaching her ears. She could tell by the way things sounded that the terminal building was immense. She held Anna's arm a little tighter as they made their way through the massive terminal complex to the gate where they would board their connecting flight to Puerto Vallarta.

They had a half-hour layover so it wasn't difficult to find and get to the gate they needed to reach and after a seven hour second leg of their trip, they were landing in Puerto Vallarta. They gathered their belongings and like in Los Angeles, they got to leave the plane before everyone else thanks to a helpful flight attendant.

Thanks to Anna's two semesters of Spanish in college, she was able to read and understand the signs and get them through the airport into a taxi and on to their hotel.

"Bienvenido a señoras! Welcome to Puerto Vallarta and the Casa Velas!" the man at the check in counter said with a broad smile.

"We have a reservation...

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under the name Greene - G-r-e-e-n-e." Anna said. The desk clerk typed the name into the computer.

"Ahh yes, Here we are! You will be in one of our wonderful Master Suite rooms."

"Ohh, that sounds nice!" Carol remarked, "What does the Master Suite have in it?"

"Our Master Suites can be had with either a king size bed or two double beds. Our beds feature pillowtop mattresses and Egyptian cotton linens. There is a 32-inch plasma TV with all the premium channels, a mini-bar stocked with drinks for your enjoyment, a private bathroom with a soaker tub and shower with complimentary robes and slippers," he said as if he had memorized the room description right from the website.

"That sounds lovely! We would like one with the two double beds please," Anna said.

"Of course," he said, typing away. "There you are... you will be in room 214. That is second floor two doors to the right from the elevator and on the same side of the hallway."

"Thank you for describing it that way, sir. I appreciate it," Carol said.

"You are most welcome señora," he said, giving Anna an understanding wink. "The elevator is to your right, just around that corner. I will have your bags brought to your room." He then clapped his hands and called for Jose the baggage boy as the girls walked across the hotel lobby towards the elevator.

"Oh Carol! Oh I wish you could see this room, honey! It's beautiful!" Anna said when they entered their hotel room.

"Well I am just looking forward to a soak in that tub and a good night's sleep! This travelling stuff is hard on the body!" Carol said, laughing.

"Okay I will let you have your soak. I am going to walk around and check out this place. Have a nice relaxing time and I will be back in a few minutes. Lock the door after me, I have the room keycard," Anna said.

With Anna out exploring the hotel grounds, Carol drew a nice hot bath and climbed in. The water felt wonderful and she soon found herself lounging and all the tight muscles and apprehension from the trip were being washed away. "This was a good idea," Carol dreamily thought to herself as she enjoyed her soak.

A little over a half hour later, Anna came back from her exploration. She walked into the room to find Carol laying on her stomach on the bed wearing only her panties. She was relaxing and waiting for Anna to come back. Anna came in and sat down on the bed beside her.

"Did you have a good soak?" Anna asked.

"Did I! I almost fell asleep in that tub!" Carol said, "It felt so wonderful in there - you are going to have to try it sometime before we leave!"

Anna sat there on the bed next to her half-naked girlfriend and looked at her. Carol did have an amazing body - Anna had always thought so. She was jealous of her 36DD tits, and the way they seemed to magnetically attract all the guys to her! But in addition to a rocking 36-26-36 body, Carol was also quite an attractive woman with her clothes on too. At five foot two inches tall, she had shoulder-length brown hair with blond highlights, hazel eyes, and a smile that rivaled the noonday sun. Carol had an effervescent personality and when she laughed, no around her could keep from joining in.

Anna had been instantly attracted to her and the two had grown closer than most sisters over the years. And now with Carol laying half-naked on the bed next to her, Anna began to have thoughts... naughty, erotic thoughts about her best friend.

Anna knew that Carol was bisexual - she made no bones about having been with and enjoyed women as well as men. Anna too had experienced sapphic love, and now she was getting very interested in exploring Carol's treasures.

"Carol honey, can I um... confess something to you?" Anna began shyly.

"Sure Anna, you know you can tell me anything, sweetie. What is it?"

"Well... I don't really know how to put this..." Anna faltered.

"Just tell me what it is, Anna," Carol took her friends hand as she tried to work up the courage to say what she needed to.

"Well... it's just that... well you are laying here looking so fucking good..."

"What?" Carol said a bit surprised.

"Dammit Carol, you are turning me on so fucking much, I can't stand it!" Anna finally blurted out.

"Really? I am turning you on?" Carol said, with a bit of skepticism.

"Yes, Sugar, you are. You know how much I wish I had a body like yours. And if I can't have it, at least let me play with it for awhile!"

Carol sat up and took her girlfriend in her arms, planting a long, passionate kiss on her soft lips. Anna parted her lips and Carol's tongue searched her mouth, finding Anna's tongue and the two played together inside the girls open-mouthed kiss.

Anna moaned as Carol offered herself up to her girlfriend. Carol pulled her closer and Anna felt Carol's hardening nipples raking her own smaller, but no less sensitive tits. Anna broke the kiss after a few fervent moments and moved her kisses to her neck and slowly down to Carol's shoulder. Kissing along her collarbone, she left a trail of hot tender kisses from her shoulder towards the base of her neck, then she started working her way down Carol's breast bone until she reached her very large but firm tits.

Anna raised her head, gauging her attack much like a mountain climber would pick his path up a mountainside. When Carol felt her girlfriend pause, she thrust her chest upward.

"Please Anna..." Carol whimpered softly.

Anna lowered her head and closed her mouth around one erect, throbbing nipple. She twirled her tongue around the sensitive bud as Carol reached up to grab the back of Anna's head and pull her down onto her neglected tit.

"Ohhh, god Annaaaa..." Carol moaned as she threw her head back and enjoyed the feeling of her girlfriend's mouth hungrily chewing on her swollen nipple.

"Lay back baby, I want you... I want to make you feel real good!" Anna said, pushing Carol back onto the bed gently. Anna crawled up Carol's body straddling her until she reached her tits. She resumed feasting on the enormous globes as Carol clawed at the bed sheets in ecstasy. Anna made sure she gave each of Carol's sweet tits equal attention, licking and sucking and biting each nipple playfully, as Carol moaned and sighed her approval.

"Ohhh god, Anna... oh suck these big titties! They're all yours, baby. Yes... bite my nipples... ohhh, yesss!" Carol moaned as Anna made a meal of her creamy flesh.

With her girlfriend smoldering now, Anna moved down Carol's body further kissing a trail down her stomach and on to her edge of her panties. Anna, feeling playful now at seeing best friend so overheated, decided not to remove her panties just yet. Instead, she slid down in between her wide spread thighs until she could lick and toy with Carol's dampening pussy through the fabric.

Anna could feel the heat from Carol's pussy and the musky smell of her sex and it was intoxicating. Carol, in turn, could feel Anna's tongue as it flitted across her pussy lips and slid up and down the front of her panties, wetting the material even more than she already had.

"Ohh Anna, please! Take off my panties... I want you to eat my pussy! Please, I want to feel your mouth on my wet pussy now!" Carol begged.

But Carol didn't have to beg very hard. Anna was just as eager to get at her sweet juicy peach as Carol was. Anna grabbed the sides of Carol's skimpy pink panties and tugged as Carol lifted her hips. In short order Carol lay on the bed totally naked and panting, as Anna dove into her dripping sweet pussy like she was starved.

Long ago, Carol had taken up the practice of keeping herself completely shaved - the guys seemed to like it that way, and she liked the way her pussy felt against the fabric of her silky panties. And she had shaved again the night before they left just to make sure she was nice and clean for the trip. Now however, it was Anna's tongue that was exploring the slick, wet folds of Carol's pink box. And both girls were enjoying every delicious moment of it too!

"Ohmygod! Oh fuck, Anna! you eat my pussy out sooo good, baby!" Carol moaned as she writhed on the bed under Anna. Encouraged by Carol's words and the way she pitched and bucked, Anna licked and lapped the sweet slit furiously. Anna's tongue dove deep into Carol's warmth, then she flicked the tip over the swollen and sensitive clit. Anna sucked the litle bud onto her mouth like a tiny nipple and held it lightly between her teeth as her tongue grazed over it, a technique someone once used on her that drove her crazy.

The technique worked just as effectively on Carol as well, sending her into orbit as her clit shot electrical impulses into her rapidly overloading mind. Carol tried to close her legs, shutting out the torturous sensations, but Anna had them pretty well pinned open. Carol's thighs shook with the strain of trying to hold back her orgasm as Carol held Anna's head tight against her pussy, wanting as much of her hot teasing tongue inside her as possible.

"Turn around and give me that ass. I want to taste your pussy too, baby!" Carol said, pulling Anna's leg. Anna swung herself around until she was straddling Anna's head and they were in the classic "69" position, each one busily devouring the other's dripping, needy pussy.

The two girls passions reached a fever pitch as they each tried their best to get the other to cum first. The moans, squeals, and cries of the girls encouraged them on as the squirmed and writhed together in heated ecstasy.

"Oh God Anna! I'm cumming... Oh fuck, I'm cuuuummminnngggg!!" Carol screamed as she clamped her legs together around Anna's head. She arched her back up against her girlfriend's body as the bed shook with the force of her orgasm.

Carol's orgasm was all it took for Anna to join in as well. "Oh Carol! Ohhh fuuucccck!" Anna cried out as she too exploded. Both women burst as their pussy juices poured out. They eagerly licked up their friend's juices each giving and getting in return until they collapsed, panting and sweaty onto the bed next to one another. Anna used the last of her strength to turn around so they could hold each other as they came down from the clouds.

"Thank you Anna. It's... it's been a long time since I..." Carol began.

Anna pulled Carol closer to her holding her tight "It's okay honey, I am glad I could help. I know things haven't been easy for you. Just know that I am here for you in any way I can. And I mean that too."

"I know, Anna. Thank you." Carol said. The two girls lay there on the bed holding on to one another till, tired from the trip and exhausted from their lovemaking, they both fell into a deep satisfied sleep.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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