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The Wedding Caterer

"Female wedding caterer hooks up with the bride's father."

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Patrice Simmonds was an extremely attractive twenty-five-year-old woman, born in the UK to West Indian parents. She was quite tall and very curvy, her thighs were thick, her arse big and round and her tits impressive. She had a beautiful and sexy smile which displayed her perfect white teeth.

Despite having so much going for her, she had nobody in particular in her life at the moment. She had had lovers, of both sexes, but she was very choosy and she had a preference for older white men, sometimes a lot older.

She ran a catering firm that was actually owned by her mother and she was at the moment in a large marquee at the wedding reception for a couple in their late twenties, Simon and Helen Forsyth. The reception was quite lavish and was being paid for by Helen's parents, Colin and Ruth Middleditch.

Many men and a couple of women at the wedding had noticed the gorgeous black woman in a black trouser suit, one of the men being Colin Middleditch. Patrice had met Mr and Mrs Middleditch, along with Helen, when planning the wedding reception and Colin had liked her then but today she was looking sensational. Patrice had also thought Colin to be rather handsome and charming and he was very much in the category of men that she most fancied.

Colin was now aged sixty and his sex life with Ruth had declined to the point that it was now almost a memory. Neither of them had strayed and they were reasonably happy as a couple but Colin had been noticing other females more and more in recent times.

Everything was proceeding well at the reception and the catering was as near to perfect as it was possible to get. Colin found himself looking at Patrice more and more and at the moment he was looking at her large backside as she bent over slightly and her trousers accentuated her curves. Colin's cock stiffened in his trousers and he felt guilty about that, particularly at his daughter's wedding. There was not necessarily anything wrong with him getting a hard-on at Helen's wedding but getting one whilst looking at the arse of a woman more than half his age did not seem right to him.

The event continued and Patrice was now supervising the clearing up but she did twice glance in the direction of the handsome Mr Middleditch and the second time, their eyes met. Patrice's face lit up in a gorgeous smile and Colin's returning smile was a bit self-conscious.

Colin wanted to speak to her and as the person paying for all this, he had every right to. "I just want to say how impressed I am with everything you have done, Ms Simmonds," said Colin, appearing at Patrice's side.

There was that smile again as Patrice looked into Colin's eyes. "Oh, Patrice, please and I am glad that you are impressed, Mr Middleditch," replied the caterer.

"Very impressed indeed, but call me Colin," said Colin, looking at the sexual vision before him.

"So glad to hear it... Colin," replied Patrice, making her pronunciation of his name sound erotic.

They gazed into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity but was not really long but then their thoughts, whatever they were, got interrupted by Ruth Middleditch appearing at Colin's side.

"Oh Ruth, I was just telling Ms Simmonds how impressed we are with what she has done," said Colin to his wife.

"Yes, very much so. Thank you, Ms Simmonds," said Ruth, apparently unaware of the electricity between her husband and the caterer.

"Please call me Patrice, Mrs Middleditch, but I am glad that you are pleased," smiled Patrice to Ruth.

"Well Patrice, thanks again," said Colin, thinking it prudent to move away from this gorgeous woman but hoping that it would not be the last he would see of her that day. Colin and Ruth moved away but another look between Colin and Patrice, undetected by Ruth, suggested that further conversation was likely.

Colin was a confident and very successful businessman but this woman was making him feel like a nervous schoolboy.

The bulk of Patrice's work was done with just further clearing up to be done later and, much as she would have liked to stay, there was no real reason for her to still be there. She sought Colin out to tell him that she was leaving but, in the back of her mind, she hoped that she might see him at some point in the future.

Colin had been drinking, but not excessively. When Patrice approached him, he was on his own near the bar. "I am going now Mr Middleditch, just wanted to make sure that you were happy with everything," said Patrice, fighting the urge that she had to put her hand on this mature man's chest.

"It is Colin, you silly girl, and everything was wonderful," replied Colin, thinking yet again how beautiful, and fuckable, this woman was.

"Thank you, I always aim to give total satisfaction," said Patrice, adding a licking of her lips to the word 'satisfaction.'

"Yes, I don't doubt that you do, my dear," said Colin, thinking that this woman probably thought him a silly old fool.

"You have my phone number, Colin, in case you ever want to ring me," said Patrice in such a way that Colin thought that perhaps she was not thinking him a silly old fool

"But alas, I only have one daughter," replied Colin, feeling his cock harden in his trousers.

"I do not take calls just about work. My private number, as well as the business number, is on the card that you have," said Patrice, stopping just short of telling Colin to phone her.

"Um, yes thank you Ms, I mean Patrice, I um..." said Colin, unable to complete the sentence.

"Speak to you soon, Colin. Goodbye for now," said Patrice confidently before turning and walking away. A smile over her shoulder followed, at the man looking at her buttocks in her trouser suit.

Colin enjoyed the rest of the evening although his mind was mostly elsewhere. Patrice did not come back for the completion of the clearing up, her assistant oversaw that. Colin knew that all the indications were that the sexy woman was interested in him but he was still finding it hard to believe. He knew that he would be phoning her at some point though.

He did not phone her the day after the wedding, although he wanted to, and Patrice was disappointed but not entirely surprised by that. She was still quite confident that he would phone, not least because of the expression on his face when she smiled at him looking at her arse.

The following day, after changing his mind several times, he did phone. Her phone did not recognise the number calling. Although it was on her private number, she was hopeful. "Hello," Patrice said softly.

"Patrice, it is Colin, Colin Middleditch," said the male voice, slightly nervously.

"Colin, I am so pleased that you called," said Patrice as the man on the other end imagined her beautiful face.

"Yes, you, um, said to call," said Colin.

"Yes and I hoped that you would," replied Patrice.

"Um, yes. I have been thinking about you, Patrice," said Colin.

"Yeah, and I have been thinking about you," answered Patrice.

"I was wondering if I could, um, see you; not sure if you want to," said Colin, still not fully believing that she was interested in him.

"Of course I want to. I want to very much," responded Patrice.

"That is wonderful but, um, I am not sure where... or when?" said Colin.

"I live on my own, so my house is fine if that is alright with you; and as soon as possible," said Patrice, hoping that she did not sound too eager.

"I would like that. Perhaps this evening, if that is alright with you," said Colin, his cock stiffening as they talked.

"Yes, yes. I wanted you since I first saw you," blurted Patrice and then thought that she might have frightened him off.

"You have? Oh, Patrice, I thought you were gorgeous when I first met you," replied an elated Colin.

Patrice gave him her address and they fixed a time for that evening. It was only then that Colin started thinking that he was a married man and well over twice the woman's age. It was not so much guilt but a bit of self-doubt about whether he could pleasure her. He had always been pretty good in bed but he was a bit out of practice.

Getting time away from home was not a problem for Colin because either he or Ruth or both, were out most nights of the week but not often in each other's company. Ruth was going out to play bridge with some lady friends so Colin did not really have to say what he was doing, so he didn't. He could not be out overnight though, although occasionally he was out of town on business.

He thought that he had better consider precautions, so he got some condoms from a machine in a pub on the way to Patrice's house. He was feeling both excited and nervous but he was not feeling guilty although he, strangely, felt guilty because he was not feeling guilty.

He arrived at Patrice's house and she looked wonderful when she opened the door, she was in a maroon dress that positively hugged her curves. "Hello Colin, so glad to see you," said Patrice with her eyes sparkling and teeth shining.

"So glad to be here, Patrice. You look sensational," said the quite good-looking Colin as the two of them looked at each other but did not touch. Even though the obvious reason for them to be together was to fuck, they were both strangely reticent.

"You had no trouble getting an evening out then?" said Patrice with her eyes going all over Colin but still not having touched him. Her eyes did notice quite a promising bulge in his trousers though.

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"No, Ruth is out playing bridge but I must not be too late getting home," replied Colin who was itching to get his hands on Patrice but thought that perhaps she should make the first move.

"In that case, we had better get started," said Patrice with a shy giggle before moving to Colin, putting a hand on his chest and then kissing his lips. With the ice broken, the kiss increased in passion and their bodies pressed together and Patrice felt Colin's bulge against her front and his hands on her arse.

"I could not believe that a beautiful young woman like you could be interested in me," said Colin when the kissing broke off.

"You are a very attractive man Colin, and just my type," replied Patrice who smiled as she massaged the bulge in Colin's trousers.

"But a woman like you must have her choice of lovers, " said Colin, stroking Patrice's tits over her dress.

"Maybe, so I chose you," said Patrice, undoing Colin's shirt.

They kissed again and hands caressed. "Would you like something to drink or shall we go to bed?" asked Patrice.

"Ha, go to bed, if you don't mind," chuckled Colin, still not fully believing what was about to happen.

"Yeah, let's go and fuck, Mr Middleditch," said Patrice, seductively.

"Excellent idea, Ms Simmonds. Um, I have got some condoms," replied Colin, almost proudly.

"That is very thoughtful of you but I want you cumming inside me if you don't mind," said Patrice, turning towards the stairs. Colin looked at her arse which had looked amazing in tight trousers and looked amazing in a tight dress. Soon he would be seeing it naked.

Colin briefly thought of the implications of the possibilities of giving Helen a much younger half-brother or half-sister but the idea of spunking in this woman with her encouragement overrode those thoughts.

"Patrice, you have a glorious bottom," said Colin, running a hand over it as Patrice climbed the stairs.

"Don't you mean that I have a big ass?" laughed Patrice as they got to the landing.

They faced each other in Patrice's bedroom and she completed the removal of Colin's shirt that she had undone downstairs. She fixed her beautiful brown eyes on Colin as she undid his belt and his trousers and started to drag them down. She dropped to her knees and pulled the trousers down to Colin's feet, she then massaged his erection through his underpants before also pulling them down.

"You have a very impressive cock, Mr Middleditch," said Patrice, slowly wanking it before putting her lips around it.

"Patrice, oh, Patrice," Colin said softly as he absorbed the feelings of the woman's hand and mouth on his penis.

Patrice sucked Colin's cock for a while, which he was loving, but he wanted to get at her body. "Patrice darling, please let me get your clothes off," pleaded Colin.

"Yes, baby, I want your cock in me," said Patrice, getting to her feet and allowing Colin to unzip her dress. The dress was soon at her feet leaving her in bra and panties and Colin gently fingered her vagina through her underwear. Colin then undid and removed her bra and massaged her large tits, her nipples were rock hard.

They kissed as Patrice wanked Colin's cock and he pushed her panties down at the back and caressed her bare arse. It was then just a question of the complete removal of Patrice's panties and Colin getting out of his trousers and pants that were at his ankles and then the naked couple were on the bed.

They kissed and cuddled and Colin did some kissing of Patrice's buttocks as their sexual anticipation got to fever pitch. Colin fingered Patrice's already well-lubricated cunt and now it was time for his penis to go in there. "Please put your large cock in me now, Mr Middlditch," said Patrice, with her hand on the solid penis.

Colin mounted her and they both groaned softly as his cock eased into her wet cunt. "Oh yes," breathed Patrice as Colin's penis lodged in her vagina. Once fully inside, Colin started moving his hips and slow lovemaking was embarked upon although it might have to change to hard fucking as their needs increased.

The sex got faster and positions changed. Colin had his hands on Patrice's large tits as she bounced her big arse on his thighs as she rode him. Patrice was about to cum and her face was alive with joy and lust. "Shit, oh fuck, baby, I am fucking cumming," Patrice suddenly yelled as she moved up and down Colin's rod.

Colin was pleased that he had not ejaculated yet but he did not think that it would be long before he did. There was another change of position and Patrice's legs were on his shoulders as Colin grunted with each forward thrust as he now fucked her hard.

Patrice came again and she was still cumming when Colin's spunk rose up his penis and spurted into her. "Oh fuck," groaned Colin as he came hard and fast.

"Oh yes, lover. Cum in me," Patrice panted happily.

They eventually collapsed side by side and kissed and giggled. There was still plenty of time but Colin was doubtful of his abilities to get hard enough to give this beauty another fucking.

"That was wonderful," said the beautiful Patrice.

"Did you enjoy it, sweetheart? I would hope to be able to go longer next time. There will be a next time won't there?" said Colin.

"Baby, I want there to be lots of next times. I want you to be my lover," said Patrice, who lay on Colin's body and put her lips on his. Colin's hands went to Patrice's buttocks as they swapped tongues.

"I don't think that I will be able to pleasure you with my cock again today but I would love to taste your pussy," said Colin, pretty convinced that he would not be getting erect again anytime soon.

"I would like that, honey. Maybe you will think my cunt tastes like honey," laughed Patrice.

"I will eat it soon and let you know. You are such a sexy woman Patrice; I still can't believe my luck," replied Colin.

"You better believe it, baby, you and me are going to be doing a lot of fucking I think," said Patrice, informing the married Colin that he was on the point of a full-blown affair.

Colin decided that he wanted to do more than lick Patrice's cunt, he wanted to kiss her all over. "Lie on your front, Patrice. I want to kiss my way over your body," Colin said and Patrice did as asked.

He started by kissing the backs of her legs and she was already squirming in pleasure by the time he was kissing the backs of her thighs. He then spent some time kissing her buttocks and he thought of tonguing her arse crack but decided not to in case it turned her off. He thought that he might try that on a future occasion though.

Patrice was loving this and was getting increasingly wet. Colin slowly kissed his way up her naked back and then kissed her neck and ears. "Done, this side. Turn over," he said softly and Patrice rolled onto her back.

They kissed long and passionately lips to lips then Colin started kissing down Patrice's front and he had her cumming as he kissed her breasts and tongued her nipples. He kissed her stomach and then bypassed her pubic area to go to her lower legs and then kissing his way back up.

Patrice was writhing in pleasure as he licked and kissed her inner thighs and then he was faced with her glistening cunt. Colin was good at oral cunt pleasuring and he drove Patrice wild and took her to two further orgasms as he licked, kissed and sucked her sexual areas. His penis had stiffened during this process but he knew that it was not hard enough for a fuck but he was delighted with the pleasure that he had given Patrice, as was she.

They then kissed mouth to mouth and Patrice tasted her own cunt juices. They lay cuddling some more and chatted happily as they looked forward to future times together.

Colin showered to remove the smell of his evening's activities and then they sat on the bed naked and chatting.

"I wish that I could have got hard again and made love to you again Patrice," said Colin.

"Baby, don't worry. What you did with your mouth was sensational, I will be tingling for hours," Patrice reassured him.

"You are so beautiful and so exciting. I love being with you," said Colin, not feeling an ounce of guilt relating to his wife.

"What I would really like would be to spend a whole night with you. Do you think that would be possible?" said Patrice.

"Occasionally I have business meetings away from town and have a night or two in a hotel somewhere. Perhaps we could arrange something then?" said Colin, going along with the plan for an ongoing affair.

"In the meantime, we can fuck here whenever you are free," said Patrice, kissing him long and hard again.

"Oh yes, Patrice, as often as possible," replied Colin.

He then had to think of getting dressed and getting home as he thought it best to get home before Ruth did so that he was less likely to get questioned about his evening.

He did have a long kiss and grope with the still naked Patrice before leaving and his penis, not surprisingly, reacted but even if it had got stiff enough for another fuck, there was no time now.

There was little doubt that sixty-year-old Colin Middleditch and twenty-five-year-old Patrice Simmonds would fuck again, probably very soon.

Written by PJH
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