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My son's winter fantasy

"My son’s curiosity became my quest to satisfy him."

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Competition Entry: Winter Wonderland

Author's Notes

"This is a story of a mother and son during a long-weekend winter get-away."

"How may we help you, ma'am?" the desk clerk asked.

"I'm Doris Mason and we have a reservation for the weekend."

"Yes, welcome to the Summit Chateau. I see you have a room for three nights, checking out Sunday," he read. "Please provide me with an ID and method of payment. Do you need assistance with your bags?"

"No, thanks. My son and I can manage." I replied. 

The long drive up proved to be worth it. It had been years since we last skied and the weather, although cold, appeared to be perfect for the upcoming stay... lots of snow and lots of sunshine. Chad Jr. was pleased to be up here with me.

"CJ, grab the last bags and let's check out the room before we hit the slopes." 

"Okay, mom," he answered. 

He had looked forward to this trip since we started planning it several months ago. 

CJ had just turned seventeen. He was the youngest of my two kids. His older sister, Marilyn had completed college and started her new career as an accountant. This trip would be my first since the divorce. It was intended to take CJ's mind away from my divorce from his father - Chad Senior. It would also be a great chance for me to clear my cobwebs.

After lunch, we collected our ski gear and headed to the chairlifts. The conditions were perfect as the fine powder glided us through various obstacles on the downhill slopes. Admittedly, I was never a good skier, but CJ learned to ski well from his dad. Clearly, he could position his body in graceful moves to descend the moderately-steep trails. 

"Remember," I shouted. "I have nearly forty years on you. I need to slow down a bit before I get hurt."

"Okay mom," he yelled. "I'm going to join some of the other guys and girls my age. I will be back in a few hours and we can do whatever you want after."

I was thankful to go inside and warm up near the huge hearth fireplace in the main lodge. I ordered a glass of brandy and cuddled up by the fire. I brought a romance novel to read, so I was content, warm, and slightly buzzed by the alcohol. Already a third through the book, my thoughts turned to the mistress, who was having an affair with her young lover. I turned the pages quickly as I read how she was seduced. I longed for the touch of a man again... it was over two years since Chad Senior and I stopped touching. 

I hate you for putting me through this embarrassing scenario you son-of-a-bitch. Ever since you found that young bimbo, twenty years younger than me, I knew it was over.

"Another glass of brandy, miss?" the waiter asked, breaking my concentration.


I nursed the second glass with the same enthusiasm as the first. The crisp snaps of the fire combined with the smokey aroma of the burning logs put me at ease. I glanced at the clock and realized hours had passed. Looking at my phone, I noticed CJ's text message. He would be getting back in about fifteen minutes. I signed my check and headed to the room to clean up for dinner. I needed to sober up as I didn't eat anything today.

The warm water and soapy bubble bath made my body tingle. Some of the aches and pains were starting to appear. Apparently, I overdid my first day. I dried myself and looked for the terry robe, suddenly remembering I left it on the bed. As I walked over, the door opened and CJ entered the room. He quickly glanced at my naked body, but continued to remove his ski jacket, and hat as if no big deal.

"Sorry dear," I said with a smile.

"Won't be the first time mom," he shot back with a grin.

CJ was used to nudity. We were a nudist family that adopted the lifestyle before my kids were born. Thanks to my ex, I was introduced to nudity before we even married. His family raised him as a nudist. Our kids, therefore, learned to appreciate nudity as a way of life. We attended social gatherings and vacations with other like-minded families for years. It wasn't sexual... just a means of expression and it brought a degree of comfort to the kids once they reached puberty. There were no surprises.

The last several years, however, placed a damper on the family's self-expression once my husband cheated.

I put on my robe and we talked for a few minutes. "How was your afternoon?" I inquired.

"Great mom. I had fun and met some cool people my age."

CJ readied himself for his shower as he spoke. "I will try and find them again tomorrow." 

CJ's young body became exposed as he removed his sweater. I hadn't seen him naked for at least two years. His pants and underwear dropped to the floor. I noticed how much he had matured. His ass was tight and his penis swayed as he entered the shower. It was nothing new, however, he was now older. 

I'm not trying to stare, but I don't have this chance anymore. His body resembles his father's.

"Mom, I sorta miss being naked like we used to," he said with a smirk. "Clothing always complicates things."

"I know CJ. I'm sorry things got complicated the way they did. Let's be relaxed this trip, Okay?"


He entered the shower and I sat down with my book. My mind returned to the story's fictional mistress with her young lover. Steam poured from the bathroom as I listened to the water hitting the shower doors. CJ was washing his body and I was envisioning his every move.

The alcohol is affecting my thinking! But, I don't care. 

As the water stopped, I heard him drying himself. 

"Do you need a robe"? I asked. 

"Yea, I'm freezing."

"Here, use mine, until I find the other one," I offered.

I walked towards him and pulled my robe off, exposing my bare boobs and panties. 

"In fact, in keeping with the old days, I too will be naked," I muttered, knowing that perhaps I was slurring my words.

My white panties slipped slowly past my knees towards the floor. I sidestepped them and went back to read.

CJ's expression was priceless, yet he simply continued to dry himself. I had stopped shaving down there. My blonde mound of pubes likely surprised him. Pretending to read, I peered through the top of my glasses at his body again. He was cleanly shaven, pretty much from puberty on.  

I'm not sure why I am doing this, but there is definitely something sexy about the human body... even if it belongs to my own son.

CJ and I went to dinner and talked about a variety of things including school, politics, and sports. After a glass of wine, I decided to retire for the evening. He stayed downstairs and we said we would chat in the morning. I climbed into bed and began watching TV.

I'm supposed to be naked... I promised. The soft sheets feel warm.

I undid my bra and removed my panties. For a fifty-something-year-old, I felt very sexy tonight. I fell asleep, only to be awakened by CJ's entry into the room. I pretended to be asleep, yet one eye followed him in the mirror as he entered the room. I saw him draw his bed covers down. He caught a glimpse of my bra and panties at the foot of my bed. He quickly removed all his clothes and climbed under his covers. 

Again, I fell asleep... this time to be awakened by CJ's soft voice.


"Yes," I replied in a tired voice. 

"I appreciate all you did to make this a nice mini-vacation for us."

"No problem," I whispered. 

CJ came up behind me and gave me a big hug. I felt comfortable in his arms as I dozed off again. 

About two o'clock, I got up to pee. His arms were still around me as he had passed out from the day's activity. I gently lifted his arm and noticed his naked body was on top of the covers. 

He has got to be freezing!

I rearranged the covers and tucked him in. I went to the bathroom and returned to bed. 

After an hour, I once again felt his embrace. His arm cradled my shoulder as his body was spooned around my mine. As I gained my consciousness, I felt his naked body next to mine. His chest was pressed against my back and his groin tight against my ass. 

CJ?" I whispered.

No answer. His breathing was relaxed, as he was in a sound sleep.

I remained still and I heard him stirring. I attempted to move, but I now felt a stiff erection parked between my butt crack. 

Oh my God, he is horny. Is he having a wet dream?

I didn't know what to do. I saw him jerking off when he was younger, but that was years ago. Without thought, I started moving my pelvis in a rocking motion - hoping to stimulate him. 

I can't wake him up. He can't know about this. But I need relief too. Damn.

CJ started to breathe deeply. His body pressed into mine. His cock wedged against my fleshy cheeks. I didn't waste the moment. My free hand slid to my pussy as I masturbated. I rocked slowly until his breathing became sporadic. He had experienced many wet dreams when he was younger, without ever waking up. 

My God it feels good. It's great to know that my body can still arouse guys... even in situations like this. I just got off servicing myself as he humps me.

Despite my pleasure, I needed to stop it. I got up and went into the bathroom again. After a few minutes I returned and he had rolled over.

The alarm rang at seven. Still groggy, I managed to get up, thinking it was a workday. As I sat up, I noticed that CJ was in his own bed. 

Did he know what happened? Did I dream of all of this?

No mention of things took place that next day. We had breakfast followed by a day of intense activity in the snow. I knew that eventually, I would need to address this. That evening, CJ and I went to dinner, but he stayed out late afterward with his newfound friends. I was exhausted again and went to sleep without hesitation. The next morning he was in his bed and I was in mine.

"Let's head out to breakfast CJ. I would like to drive into town after we ski a bit to do some souvenir shopping. You can decide if you want to go or stay here to ski. I am all done with the bathroom."

I needed to address the situation we experienced two nights before. But then again, maybe it was an accident and he was embarrassed? As I removed my robe to dress, my naked body revealed its age. For a woman in her fifties, however, I was at an ideal weight and my breasts were still somewhat firm. I turned from side to side in the mirror, capturing my entire shape.

Not bad for an old girl.

"Are you modeling, mom?' CJ asked.

Smiling, I replied, "No, not's just that the years pile on some baggage. You have seen my body since you were young, but time has a way of changing it - no excuses, just the facts."

"Mom, I think you look great. You are sexy."

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

The vote of confidence boosted my confidence. We both dressed and left for town. After several hours, I loaded the car with souvenirs and some new clothes I bought. CJ and I returned and headed back to the slopes. The sunshine and blue skies made for a perfect day as we ascended to the top of the slopes numerous times. I must have fallen twenty times, but still enjoyed the exercise. After a few hours, I called it quits.

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"My back and legs are sore," I cried. "I need a warm bath and some therapy... maybe I will schedule a massage at the lodge."

Returning my gear, I quickly went to the room to draw a warm bath. As I undressed, I glanced at my body again in the bathroom mirror.

My tits are perky today. Maybe the exercise did them good. How is it that I have a nice waistline yet, my tummy sags?

My eyes focused on my bush. 

Perhaps I need to trim myself again. Hell, I'm going to do it right now.

I stumbled into my manicure bag for scissors and started snipping at the mound of blond hair. After the majority was clipped, I stole some of CJ's shaving gel and lathered up. The warm razor glided around the contour of my fleshy pussy. I soon sat in the tub, thoroughly enjoying my luxurious bath. The scented candles in the bathroom flickered, barely illuminating my exposed breasts in the porcelain tub.

I thought of calling the concierge to arrange for a massage, but it was getting late. I closed my eyes as I warmed up under the covers and fell into a relaxed sleep.

I awoke as CJ was stepping from his shower.

"I tried not to wake you mom but needed a shower. How are you feeling? Did you get your massage?"

"No, it was too late for today."

After a short hesitation, he motioned to me, "Let me rub your back and legs... I know you are sore."

I didn't know what to say. "Thanks," was all I could utter.

I positioned myself face down under the covers. He sat on my bed next to me and proceeded to rub my back. After a few minutes, he removed his robe and it slipped to the floor. By the time his hands reached my shoulders, I was totally relaxed. 

"Does that feel good mom?"

"Feels great," I whispered. 

CJ had a magic touch as my aches and pains were soothed. He pulled the blanket off my back, revealing my naked body. His hands started at my ankles and slowly moved up to my leg. He then straddled my body and sat just below my ass. His strong hands started rubbing my lower back, gently moving up my body to my shoulders in a slow, methodical fashion.

I remained motionless and quiet. Every time his hands progressed from my lower back to my shoulders, his body would lean forward into mine. In time, it became evident that his cock was pushing up against my ass cheeks... similar to the first night.

I suppose this is where I find out what he is up to. We were always a close family, but this might push the limit a bit. I feel very aroused by all of this even though it is very taboo.

"Mom, please roll over and I will rub your other side."

I rolled over and he was now in plain view. As I had thought, his cock was fully erect and stood nearly vertical. The site of seeing him totally naked and aroused was surreal. This was my son. Sure, I had seen him hard before, but never as an adult. To make matters even more obvious, my aroused nipples stood out like pencil erasers. 

"You seem to be very horny CJ."

"Yes, mom. I have imagined this moment for a long time," he replied. "It's awesome to see your bald pussy again too."

Immediately, I took control and pulled him towards me. Our bodies were in full contact as I looked him in the eye and spoke. "Is this what you want?" I asked.

"Yes, for a very long time."

Knowing he wasn't overly experienced, I kissed him. His tongue immediately searched for mine. We groped and kissed for over a minute. I could feel his hard cock pressing against me. His hand caressed my tits.

"Sit up," I ordered.

As he did, I slowly spread my legs revealing my open pussy.

Although he had seen my naked body for years, he never witnessed the gaping sight of my inviting pussy. I took my fingers and spread my pussy wide. I could only imagine what went through his head as my fleshly labia lips revealed my inner secret. 

"Ever seen a horny pussy up close," I teased. 

"No, not this close."

"Rub your cock on the outside of my pussy."

His large cock was bigger than his dad's in both length and girth. It sported a huge bulbous head, which would satisfy any woman he penetrated. 

CJ lay on top of me and started grinding his cock on my pussy. I was lubricated to the point that his cock was gliding effortlessly on my fleshly exterior. With each thrust of his pelvis, the underside of his cock triggered a sensation as it separated my lips and briefly brushed my clit. I was in ecstasy. 

I whispered, "Put your cock in me. Put it in my wet pussy."

As he lifted himself to accommodate me, I opened my pussy with one hand and grabbed his cock with the other. Slowly, I pulled him toward me and filled my pussy with his long phallus. He lowered himself slowly until his cock filled me. 

"Oh my God," he cried. "You feel good."

"Pump your cock in me baby. I want to feel you fucking me."

After a few quick thrusts, CJ remained motionless.

"I don't want to cum yet mom," he whispered.

Sensing his inability to control himself, I stopped moving and allowed him to pull out. I then took his cock in my hand and started to jerk him off. 

"You are familiar with this, I know. right?"

He nodded. 

CJ closed his eyes and threw his head back in ecstasy. I gently pleasured him in slow, steady strokes with my hand while my other hand massaged his balls. His gentle moans indicated the pleasure he was experiencing. As he grew more excited, I took him in my mouth. 

"Oh my God," he cried. Please don't stop!"

My hand and mouth stroked and sucked his cock in perfect coordination as I tasted an even flow of pre-cum emerging from his slit. CJ was...

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