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The Game

"When you consider all the possibilities it can be amazing."

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Competition Entry: Kinky Fetishes

It is a rainy Saturday afternoon.  Both Bruce and Lynn are bored.  They don’t know each other yet, but individually decide to go to a local bar hoping to find some social interaction. 

Lynn and Bruce sitting a chair apart at the bar, away from others.  They soon start a conversation together.  They are having a great conversation; Bruce asks Lynn if she is single. 

She murmurs something about, “I just have boys I enjoy fun and games with. I like playing with them discreetly in different ways they enjoy.” 

This bold statement catches Bruce off guard.  Something in Lynn’s answer triggers something in him, he sides over a seat and asks, “What do you mean by fun and games?”

“Oh, most everyone has their kinks, fetishes, quirks, self-imposed taboos, or obsessions that they like to keep hidden from the world.   Some little, some big.  With the right person, you sometimes stumble on a match for what you are looking for,” Lynn starts. 

“Or an observant person will recognize things or patterns in others.  Often some real quirks in people can go unnoticed for the most part, but when realizing a pattern, grasping that a seemingly ‘normal’ person is fucked up too.  And often that is an even a more erotic kink, realizing it and that you have been playing a part in it.”

This tete-a-tete is suddenly making a sharp turn down a new, and very different path.  Bruce just nods in agreement.

Lynn smiles at him and goes on, “Sometimes, small quirks or self-imposed ritualistic taboos turn into something more. Like someone always wearing his socks when you are having sex.”

Bruce looks questioningly at her and Lynn explains, “If it is because his feet are always cold, not so much; but if it because somehow with socks on makes him feel he is not fully undressed with a woman – that is moving into an interesting, strange, kink range.”

Bruce laughs and asks her to tell more.  Lynn begins her tale:

There was this man who had gotten a nice Rolex for his high school graduation.  I am not sure if that is what started this obsession, but it probably greatly contributed to it. 

When he was with a woman, though he tried to hide it, once they got to the penetration part of the program, he would glance at his watch to see the time.  He wasn’t a bad fuck, but not all that long-lasting.  When he came, he would glance at his watch again to see how long he went.  A look would come across his face more or less showing he had reached a new milestone or fell in his rankings.

He had been with several women, and a few happen to have noticed and commented to others on this ‘habit’ of his.  Soon stories of his timekeeping spread among the female portion of the population.  Women would begin being with him just to see if he did it.  Some for a second or third time even to see his reaction each time.

What does it make you feel to know you are being timed on each performance?  When you do, how do you react to it?  Try to make him come faster to lose his best time?  Or go longer, so he is blown away by his improvement?  And being aware of the kink like that, when even they don’t, does it add a wonderful mind-game to the mix?

My question is, who had the bigger fetish?  Timer guy or the women knowing their performance was being measured?  I suppose all of them.  And for the most part, people will not even consider this a kink.

Bruce amazed at the story, agrees with Lynn, “I get it.  People do have private idiosyncrasies which really are fetishes unknown, but being obsessed with anything does fall in that range.”

Lynn eggs him on, “It’s your turn, Bruce, what have you got?” 

Bruce begins his contribution:

There was this woman who was great in bed, but rather loud in her reaction to being aroused.  She would shout out and scream throughout any intercourse. 

The thing was, she had this strange desire to have her windows open whenever she had sex, to let the world know how much she was enjoying herself.  She lived on the second floor of the three-floor apartment building, so even if the neighbors had their windows closed, she could be heard between the walls and windows.  All would hear and often bang trying to get her to stop.  None of that bothered her, it seemed to make her cry out even louder and cum harder.

“Oh, oh, yes, yes, fuck me, baby, fuck me good,” could be heard regularly, when she was getting lucky.

The man she was with was a rather shy and meek man, who did not like attention drawn to himself.  After such theatrics from her when he was with her, he would be blushing so deeply when he would leave the building, so afraid that those around knew who he had been with and his contribution to the noise.

He tried different things to try to get her to be quieter.  Saying he was cold, and could she close the windows?  Trying to kiss her when these explosions began to erupt from her.  Even once suggesting he tie her to the bed and gag her.  None worked as she just screamed louder to be heard.

He did desire her so and enjoyed her complete abandonment when they fucked.  She loved for him to eat her, singing out his praises for all to hear.  And when he shoved into her, his cock in her warm tight pussy, her shouting out in glee rang out.

He was humiliated by the attention she caused and contemplated ending their relations.  Until one day, after being seen as he left her apartment, he discovered that he had this funny rush running through his body.  By the time he got to his car, he had to throw his jacket over his legs and quickly jerk himself to relieve the hardening cock he got from realizing people knew he was the one who made his songbird cry out.

So, in the end, it all worked out.  She, with her kink of vocal exhibitionism, wanting to be the center of people’s attention in her most intimate moments.  And he now with this peacock strutting desire for people to know his virility with her.

Lynn snickered hard when Bruce finished his discourse, “Yes, you get it now.  I am telling you there are so many little fetishes and kinks out there that are in the end are so much more wicked.  Think about the head play going on over them.  Sure, wanting to pee on someone or be treated as a pet are acknowledge deviants, but the world is so full of interesting others if you just look closely.”

Lynn tells another about a couple who found they needed others to add to their satisfaction: 

They had met online and soon were having phone sex regularly.  She would talk dirty to him, telling him everything she would do to him, and he at the other end of the line would be jerking himself to cumming hard.  This went on for several months, never meeting even though they did not live very far apart.

One night he could hear her breathing harder and harder as she told him to describe what he would do to her.  He was rather pleased with himself thinking he could get her off so easily just from his dirty talk.  A couple more nights like that, occasionally putting her phone on mute while he was talking, and he couldn’t enjoy hearing her mounting pleasure and crashing hard.

It went on this way, her talking him to ejaculation while her breathing got more and more passionate and her moans increased.  One night she was more matter of fact while they played, and he did not hear her getting aroused at all.  She ended the call, asking if he would like to come over the next evening. 

To see this woman in flesh and blood, and do some of the things she had him describe?  Of course, he jumped at the chance.

When he got there, she led him to the couch and told him to undress for her.  He quickly did as told, surprised that she wanted to get right to it.  She sat down on the couch, him on a low stool in front of her, and spread her legs.  She had no panties on, and her lovely groomed pussy was staring him in the face.  She pulled his face to her lower lips and flipped her dress over his head.  In semi-darkness, he found his way to her slit and began enjoying licking and sucking her.  At first, she made no sound in response showing her delight.

Then her phone ring and she answered it.  Her greetings of “Hello lover, how are you tonight?” he recognized as how she always greeted him when he called her.  She pushes his head further down into her cunt as he listened as she began a conversation with whoever called.  So identical to how they had chatted. 

And as she did, her juices began to flow out of her, and her low moans began.  He heard her breathing deeply with each swipe he made of her slit, sticking his tongue in her vag got her really going as she gasped and chatted with this other man on the phone.

He suddenly understood all that had been happening while she had been chatting with him, and while he was in some way repulsed, he couldn’t help himself experiencing the in-person part of it all.  She chatted with the phone man for over an hour, in the same way.  Telling him to describe what he would do to her.

Her body convulsed as her visitor sucked and nibbled at her clit.  She arched her back and cried out in ultimate pleasure, and he felt his face covered in her sticky fluid.

She calmed herself enough to finish her phone conversation, while he licked her clean, well as best he could.  When he heard her hang up the phone, he lifted his head from under her dress.  She smiled at him and told him to get dressed.  He found he was hard, but she offered him no release, or even a kiss or hug. 

She nodded her head towards her door, and he realized he was being dismissed.  ‘What had just happened,’ he wondered. 

As he opened the door, she called out to him, “If you would like, you can come back again Friday night at nine o’clock.”

He was dumbfounded that she would suggest him submitting himself to this again.  He walked to his car, shaking his head.

Friday night, at two minutes to nine, he rang her doorbell.

Bruce rolls with laughter at this account, “Yes, Lynn, I think we are showing how people do have different desires and needs.  What a world, most hiding behind curtains with the kinks they have developed.”

This is turning into a delightful way to spend the afternoon.  Bruce orders them another drink, and they swap short suggestions of such.

Buddies who have a competition fucking the same woman at different times and then after having the women tell one or the other who was the best so they could keep score of their manliness.

The man who liked to sneak up on his wife from behind and fuck her bent over the counter.  She did love to cook naked, with just a lace apron on so it worked well together.  Him trying to find ways to surprise her, her delighted with his help ‘stirring the pot.’

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The guy who would only cum only once every twenty-four hours or more, no matter how excited he would get.  And the woman he was with, realizing this quirk, trying and trying to get him to do it more than once a day.  Her acknowledging after the fact when the relationship ended that she was as wrapped into this behavior as he was, maybe even more obsessed.

The woman who had a fixation of being fucked while she was having her period.  Claiming that it eased her cramps, but was the idea of such a taboo really what excited her the most?

Then Bruce offers an example of from something simple to start, coming to realize it develops into something questionable:

A couple met in a bar one night.  After several drinks, she invited him to her place.  There, it is not long until clothes have been tossed aside and they were naked in bed, kissing, fondling, working their way to full foreplay.  She went down on him, and he must say she was rather good at sucking and licking, making precum drip from him in seconds.  She kept it up, taking him deep into her mouth, even choking a bit on him, but after a breath, plunged in for more.

He tried to lick and suck her, but while she allowed him to finger-play her and she moaned, she did not want him to go down on her.

They reached the point, and he was in her pounding away, going faster and faster, her clenching against his cock up in her until both exploded.  As they fell beside each other now sated, she lifted his thumb which is covered with her sticky juices and licked and sucked it, like she had his penis.  Even running her tongue between his nail and flesh so similar to what she had done to the slit on his glans.

If felt strangely good, so he let her just suck and suck away until they both fell asleep.

A few days later, they were together again and soon got into a habit of dating and sex.  Which is when it started to take a turn.

After sex, she always did that thumb thing to him.  Sucking him clean like a cock, and it would get him aroused again.  So much so they would soon be fucking like bunnies once again in under an hour.

The second time they came, and they were laying there, she rubbed her thumb up and down his dripping shaft and then stuck her thumb into his mouth to suck.  It was enjoyable tasting their mingled juices and feeling her thumb in his mouth.  She kept it there, telling him to suck harder, harder.

Finally, after several minutes, she took her hand away and kissed him goodnight.

Things were fine for another week or so, they were together most evenings.  Her or his thumb always ended in each other’s mouth afterward.  To the point that they were sucking each other’s thumbs at the same time after each sexual intercourse.  It was a bit strange but in an erotic way enjoyable to him.

Then it got weird.  She did not take his thumb in her mouth, as usual; instead she stuck her wet index finger in his mouth.  A variation but fun to lick.  She pressed it deep into his mouth and then pulled it out. Back and forth this way.  Then her middle finger joined, plunging in and out of him. 

This was getting a little strange, but all in good fun, he thought.  Her ring finger was added, and she pressed farther to the back of his mouth.  Over and over.  He was trying to breathe through his nose as she filled his mouth.  When her little finger joined the mix, he felt his mouth stretched. 

In and out, deeper and deeper she pressed into him, rising to sit next to him, he on his back taking it all in.  Her fingers were in him as far as they could go, pressing down his throat further and further.

“Baby, suck me, suck me good, suck me like you would a cock,” she told him. 

He opened his eyes wide hearing this, ‘WHAT?’

“That’s it, baby, suck me, take it all in, show me what a cock sucker you can be,” with a gleam in her eyes she taunted him.

There were tears forming in his eyes now, he was gasping for breath, but she wouldn’t let up, even as he choked.  He tried to grab her hand to pull it away, but suddenly he learned how strong she was as she grabbed both of his wrists and held them over his head.

“You can do it, baby, come on, show me how much you like this, show me how you would like to suck a prick you cocksucker,” she wickedly said.

This was no longer fun.  What has come over this woman?  A little thumb sucking, while a bit strange and different was one thing, but her trying to make him her finger slut – and telling him to imagine he is sucking a cock?

He finally pulled away from her, gasping to get his breath back.  This was one bat shit crazy bitch was all he could think.  He quickly dressed and told her that he was not into that at all.

She didn’t apologize or anything.  She just sat there, nude, cross-legged on her bed with a Cheshire grin on her face, “Oh well, you were rather a good sucker I have to say.  If you ever change your mind, give me a call.”

He left and never looked back.

Lynn actually claps her hands in glee over this story, “You are good at this Bruce.  I don’t know the last time I have had such a fun afternoon, with such stimulating conversation.”

Lynn tendered another account:

He knew he was a voyeur but was afraid to get caught.  He would love talking with women online for them to tell him about what their sexual adventures had been.  Not in a cuckold way at all, but to just in his mind’s eye imagine what the woman was doing, visioning it was him on the receiving end of her attention.

He got involved with one woman online who would tell him things she had experienced, and he lapped it all up.  Getting harder and harder as she told details of her interchanges with others.  Always cumming hard when she reached the climax of her story.

He liked to question her about what she did for self-satisfaction, how she masturbated, what she used.  She was more hesitant about sharing that, but over time, she did explain some things she enjoyed.  That turned him on even more. 

Then one Saturday afternoon he called her, “Would you get undressed, with the toys you told me about, and lay on your back on your bed and pleasure yourself starting at about two o’clock,” he asked her.

She chuckled in reply and said she didn’t have much else to do that afternoon.

“And leave your back window open and curtains a little parted,” he said.

Now she was intrigued, but knowing him rather well now, she understood.

She undressed and was lying on her bed, the vibrator and dildo beside her.  She lifts her legs and spreads her thighs.  Closes her eyes and begins to finger herself.  She was getting into this when she heard a movement outside.  She doesn’t open her eyes, by knows there is someone there. 

She plays on and on with herself, then reaches for the vibrator and turns it on high, spreading her labia and pressing it against her clit.  Her moans fill the room as waves of pleasure wash over her.  She grabs the dildo and presses it up in her wet dripping cunt to add to her enjoyment.  She is reaching the brink and can hear someone breathing heavily outside the window. 

She let her eyes open just a slit to see him there, mouth open, almost drooling watching her.  Just to add to his pleasure or anguish, she shifts herself, so her cunt is on full display for him.  She hears the moan escape his lips.  She was so close to cumming now and hoped he can control himself enough not to expose himself.  If the neighbors saw!

She cries out cumming and then gasps out, looking right at him, “The back door is open.” 

He smiles and is quickly by her, shedding his clothes and pressing into her to bring her to an amazing climax.

Both Lynn and Bruce realize they are becoming rather aroused by this modern-day version of Canterbury Tales they are sharing. With a trembling voice Bruce says give him a moment, and he will share his last contribution.

The woman was somewhat confused about her sexuality.  She did so enjoy it from the get-go, but always afterward felt this overwhelming guilt about what she had done.  She had only been with a few men, but this contradiction ruined it every time.

She met him at a gala night, and he was so attentive to her.  She was the one who made the first move, letting him know she was eager and willing.  He took her home with him, and they had a wonderful sex-filled night together. 

As dawn came, he found her standing next to the bed dressed, ready to depart.  He was somewhat surprised and more so when in almost a little girl’s voice, she tells him, “I have been bad, very bad. A bad, bad, girl.  I never should have done this.  I am sorry, but I must leave.”

She was gone before he could even comment in return.  ‘Well that was strange,’ he thought, and while a wonderful evening, put it out of his mind.

Wednesday night, there was a knock at his door, and when he opened it, she threw herself into his arms, kissing him with such passion.  He was dazed as she pressed him to his bedroom and was all over him in minutes.  The sex was hot and sweaty, and oh so satisfying.

But again, at midnight, she gave out her mantra again about being a bad girl and must leave.  She would never do this again.

Needless to say, every few days she was back, the same routine followed.  After two weeks, while he loved their couplings, he was tired of the Jekyll and Hyde thing.  He decided to try to end this cycle.

The next time she tried to depart this way, he had her over his knee, her dress raised to her back, panties ripped down to her knees, and he began to spank her.  Hard.

“If you are such a bad girl, then you should be punished like a bad girl,” he told her as his hand rained down spanks on her cheeks and upper thighs.  “Is this what you have been needing?  Do you want to be my bad girl for me to discipline?”

She cries out, but he can tell from her gasps and the wetness dripping from her, it is not in pain, but totally submissive pleasure, “Yes, this is what I need, tell me to behave, be what you want me to be.  I will do as you say,” she purred delightfully.

Her spanking done, she climbs into bed, into his arms, and fell to sleep.  There was no more of that nonsense again between her, but he would spank her from time to time when she did misbehave.

By now, Lynn feels how wet she is from this and all the stories they have shared.  Bruce himself is feeling rather hard between his legs and is glad he has baggier khakis on.

Lynn asks, “So what sort of kink is it for two strangers to spend hours together over drinks, sharing erotic stories about others’ fetishes or kinks?”

Bruce replies, “What about the two, after doing so, leaving together to try some even better ones of their own with each other?”

Written by Cammi
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