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Tie me tight

" little apology of rope bondage and shibari delights"

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In the realm where desire dances free,

Two souls entwine in shadows' embrace,

A symphony of silk and skin,

As the art of Shibari finds its place.

Mistress and submissive, an intimate pair,

Creating a canvas of woven dreams,

Ropes of silk caress the flesh,

A tapestry of passion, so it seems.

With tender hands, the knots are tied,

A delicate dance of trust and care,

The submissive's heart begins to race,

As the Mistress' touch ignites the air.

An intricate web of desire unfolds,

Binding the submissive in silk's embrace,

Lacing her limbs in tender cords,

As vulnerability takes its rightful place.

The room is bathed in candlelight,

Casting shadows upon their skin,

The submissive's breath catches,

As the Mistress' fingers begin to spin.

Closer and tighter the ropes are drawn,

A map of pleasure upon the skin's expanse,

The submissive's surrender complete,

As she loses herself in the dance.

In the art of Shibari, they find release,

A symphony of sensations, a masterpiece,

Bound together in trust and love,

They soar on the wings of passion's increase.

The ropes wind their way, a sensual trail,

Around curves and contours, they weave,

A portrait of vulnerability and strength,

As the submissive's senses begin to heave.

Mistress' hands move with grace and intent,

Crafting patterns of pleasure and surrender,

The submissive's body responds in kind,

Every touch, every bind, a sweet ember.

With each loop and twist, the connection deepens,

A journey of exploration and submission,

The submissive's body a canvas of desire,

A testament to their shared vision.

As the ropes tighten, the submissive surrenders,

Letting go of control, letting passion unfold,

Bound by trust, they journey together,

Exploring the mysteries the ropes hold.

Intricate patterns create a symphony of pleasure,

As the Mistress' hands trace a seductive line,

The submissive's heart races, her breath quickens,

In the dance of sensation, they both intertwine.

A tapestry of ropes adorns her frame,

Every knot a whisper of desire's flame,

The submissive's body a canvas of sensation,

Bound in a spell of sweet elation.

With every touch, her arousal blooms,

A symphony of sensations, like perfumed fumes,

The ropes caress her skin, igniting fire,

Her body responds with aching desire.

The Mistress' fingers trace delicate lines,

A journey of pleasure that intertwines,

The submissive's breath hitches and moans,

Her body aching for what's to be shown.

The ropes mark her flesh with tender claim,

A map of longing, etched in her name,

Her skin tingles where the ropes entwine,

As she surrenders to pleasure, divine.

Each tug and pull sends shivers through,

Her senses heightened, every touch anew,

She's bound in more than just silk and thread,

In the realm of desire, where fantasies are bred.

In the realm of shadows, where desire resides,

The Mistress' touch sets her soul on fire,

Ropes caress her skin, a dance of seduction,

As the submissive's hunger intensifies.

The Mistress' fingers trace a sensual path,

Across her body, igniting flames of lust,

Each stroke of silk sends shivers of pleasure,

A symphony of sensations, in their trust.

The submissive's breath becomes a sigh,

A moan of longing, a whispered plea,

As the ropes tighten, her body responds,

In the dance of submission, wild and free.

Intricate patterns mark her tender skin,

A mosaic of passion, a masterpiece,

Every knot, every twist, a journey of pleasure,

As their desires intertwine and never cease.

The Mistress' control is a sweet addiction,

As the submissive surrenders to her will,

Bound by desire, in a web of silk,

Their connection deepens, time standing still.

Beneath the moon's seductive glow,

Desires burn hot, like embers aglow,

Ropes become a lover's embrace,

As passion and pleasure interlace.

The Mistress' hands guide with expertise,

Tracing curves and contours, setting her free,

The submissive's body responds with a moan,

As silk and skin merge, in a dance of their own.

With each tug and pull, a gasp escapes,

A symphony of sensations, passion takes shape,

Ropes bind her wrists, her body's domain,

As ecstasy blooms, like a fire's wild flame.

The Mistress' touch ignites the spark,

Desire surges, lightening the dark,

Silk-clad skin and flesh collide,

In the realm of pleasure, they both confide.

Ropes become chains of surrender,

As they delve deeper, exploring with wonder,

In the realm of shibari, they find release,

A tapestry of passion, woven piece by piece.

In the shadows' embrace, their desires ignite,

Mistress' hands explore, sending shivers of delight,

Fingers graze the submissive's eager skin,

A tantalizing touch that draws her in.

As the ropes bind her, passion takes hold,

Mistress' touch becomes a story untold,

Her fingers trace a trail of fiery bliss,

Across the submissive's body, igniting a kiss.

A gasp escapes as fingers reach her breasts,

A mixture of pleasure and desire invests,

The Mistress' touch awakens every nerve,

A sensation that makes the submissive's heart swerve.

Nipple clamps appear, a touch unexpected,

Pleasure and pain, a desire resurrected,

The submissive's body arches in sweet surprise,

As sensations mingle, reaching new highs.

The Mistress' control weaves a web so fine,

A symphony of pleasure and pain, intertwine,

Bound by desire, they surrender to the scene,

Exploring each sensation, where fantasies convene.

In the realm of passion, where desires entwine,

Mistress' touch ignites a fire divine,

Fingers glide with purpose, exploring skin,

As the submissive's yearning stirs deep within.

Ropes weave a tapestry of pleasure and pain,

Mistress' touch guides, like a seductive refrain,

Her fingers wander to a place of heat,

Where ecstasy and longing sweetly meet.

The submissive's breath hitches as she moans,

Her body's responses, like sweet, dulcet tones,

Mistress' fingers dance on her delicate skin,

Igniting flames of passion from deep within.

As ropes pull taut between her intimate space,

Sensations intertwine, quickening her pace,

Wetness drips, mingling with ropes so tight,

Desire and excitement merge in the night.

In the dance of pleasure, they both engage,

Exploring each sensation, uncharted stage,

Bound by trust and passion's sweet delight,

Their desires burn fierce, like stars in the night.

Within their world of longing and desire,

Mistress leads the way, setting hearts on fire,

A wooden bench awaits, a stage of sin,

As Mistress' touch ignites a new journey to begin.

Ropes guide the submissive to her place of rest,

A wooden bench that beckons for their quest,

Mistress' eyes lock with a gaze of fire,

As the submissive's heart races, desires higher.

Gently, slowly, the anal hook appears,

A toy of pleasure, a mix of joys and fears,

Mistress' touch is like a whispered plea,

As the submissive's anticipation grows fervently.

The hook inches in, a gradual slide,

Stretching her limits, awakening the tide,

Sensations mix, a blend of pleasure and ache,

As the submissive surrenders, lost in the wake.

Each millimeter claims her, possessive and tight,

The hook a symbol of their desires taking flight,

Filling her, owning her, body and soul,

As pleasure and sensation come to take their toll.

In the final act of their seductive dance,

Mistress' touch leads, drawing them in a trance,

With careful hands, she braids the submissive's hair,

A symbol of their connection, a sign to share.

Strands intertwine, a masterpiece in creation,

As desire and longing fuel their fixation,

Mistress' fingers weave a spell so fine,

Binding their hearts, their souls, in intertwining twine.

A rope joins the braid, connecting to the hook,

A binding force, an intimate part they took,

Tension mounts as the rope is drawn tight,

Arching the submissive's posture, a captivating sight.

The anal hook tugs, the rope pulls her back,

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Creating an exquisite posture, an alluring track,

The submissive's body poised in beautiful display,

A living artwork, where desires hold sway.

In the final act, a scene so intricate,

Mistress' touch becomes both pleasure and fate,

A bamboo cane, an instrument of desire,

Arousing the senses, setting the scene on fire.

Bare feet exposed, vulnerable and bare,

The submissive's body quivers, sensations rare,

Mistress' touch is both sweet and severe,

A dance of pleasure and pain they both revere.

The cane kisses skin, igniting sparks of bliss,

As the submissive's body trembles, in surrender she's kissed,

Whimpers escape as each stroke lands,

Pleasure and pain merge, held by Mistress' hands.

But even as the cane strikes, a hand so deft,

Mistress' other hand weaves dreams left,

Caressing her pussy, keeping her on the edge,

Aching for release, desire on a ledge.

Pain and pleasure intertwine, dance and entwine,

As the submissive's arousal reaches the divine,

Mistress guides her through a symphony of need,

Where pleasure's sensations and pain's pulses lead.

In the final chapter of their journey's flight,

Mistress' touch takes on an exquisite might,

With Wah balls placed within the girl's embrace,

A new realm of sensations they both embrace.

Gently inserted, a secret delight,

The Wah balls bring sensations, taking flight,

As the submissive's pussy clenches around,

A symphony of pleasure and desire resound.

But as the balls tantalizingly move,

Mistress' cane strikes, a rhythm to prove,

Each impact igniting a fire within,

As pain and pleasure intertwine, they begin.

Harder the cane falls, each strike a command,

Wah balls stirred within, a sensation so grand,

The girl's moans fill the air, a melody of ache,

As pleasure and pain unite, their souls at stake.

Balls rub against her intimate core,

Driving her closer to the edge, craving more,

Sensations swell, a maddening embrace,

As pleasure and pain create an erotic space.

Mistress denies permission, orgasm out of reach,

The girl's body trembles, desire's peak,

Twinkling on the edge, sensations intense,

As pain and pleasure meld, their souls commence.

As their journey nears its culmination,

Mistress' voice cuts through with anticipation,

"If you want permission, you must beg," she commands,

And the submissive's deepest desires she understands.

A shiver runs through the girl's bound form,

Her need for release, like an incoming storm,

Her body aches, a longing so profound,

And Mistress' words become a sweet sound.

A whimper escapes, as lips part to speak,

A plea for release, her desire at its peak,

"Please, Mistress," she begs, her voice a plea,

An echoing cry of need, a desperate plea.

"Please, may I find release?" she implores,

Her vulnerability laid bare, her soul exposed,

The words spill forth, a cascade of shame,

As her desire ignites an unquenchable flame.

Her humiliation laid bare, her pride undone,

She surrenders fully to Mistress' power, won,

Begging for release, she exposes her need,

Every ounce of pride, every restraint, she cedes.

Her words a symphony of vulnerability,

As she lets go of her own sensibility,

Tears mix with desire, as she pleads for reprieve,

Her begging a form of submission, she believes.

And as her pleas fill the air, heavy and thick,

Mistress observes, her presence commanding and quick,

Savoring the sight of the girl so undone,

A moment of vulnerability, a victory won.

Satisfied with the reaction, Mistress grants her plea,

Permission to release, to set her desires free,

And in that climax of pleasure, surrender's embrace,

Pain and pleasure meld, as ecstasy finds its place.

As the crescendo of their desires unfurls,

Mistress' commands bring new lessons to the girl,

"Clean the bench," she says, her voice soft yet stern,

A lesson in submission that the girl must learn.

A post-orgasmic haze lingers in the air,

Desire and surrender still intertwine there,

Mistress' words echo in the girl's ears,

A command that ignites a mix of desires and fears.

Guided by obedience, the girl moves without haste,

Down to her knees, a position she embraces,

Lifting her eyes to meet the bench's surface,

A symbol of their play, her body's canvas.

With tender touches, she presses her lips,

Against the bench's edge, a submissive eclipse,

Her tongue traces the wood, every inch and curve,

As she cleans away traces of pleasure's swerve.

A slow, reverent glide as her tongue explores,

The bench's surface, each touch it adores,

Her breath mingles with the scent of their play,

A sweet reminder of their passion's display.

Lingering kisses and caresses she imparts,

Cleaning the bench, she surrenders her heart,

Each stroke of her tongue a mark of devotion,

An act of submission, a sensual motion.

With each swipe, her desire reignites,

A mixture of pleasure and duty takes flight,

Mistress watches, her presence commanding,

As the girl's submission continues expanding.

And as the bench becomes spotless and clean,

The girl's submission remains, a constant scene,

An act of service, a reflection of her role,

A disciplined submissive, fulfilling her role.

A lingering gaze, intense and profound,

Mistress' eyes convey unspoken words all around,

In that moment, the girl's breath catches and stills,

As a command is given, a moment that fulfills.

With an air of authority and a single gesture,

Mistress guides the girl's movements with her posture,

Naked and vulnerable, yet fully aware,

The girl kneels before her Mistress with utmost care.

Trembling still from the passions they shared,

Yet obediently she follows, no need to be dared,

Her body tingling with the marks of their play,

In this moment, her submission holds sway.

Kneeling before Mistress, her heart wide open,

The girl's gratitude shines, no words need be spoken,

Her gaze, a mixture of reverence and desire,

A reflection of the spark that continues to inspire.

In this quiet moment, a connection profound,

Mistress and girl, their energies are bound,

Gratitude flows from the girl's every pore,

For the pleasure, the pain, and the lessons galore.

With humility and sweetness, she lowers her head,

A silent promise of obedience, no words to be said,

Her gratitude shines through her submissive stance,

A dance of devotion, a beautifully intricate dance.

Mistress and girl, in this intimate exchange,

Share a bond that's grown stronger, richer, and strange,

The power dynamic, the trust they've embraced,

In this moment, their connection is perfectly placed.

With a tender smile that warms the room,

Mistress' fingers gently trace each mark, each bloom,

On the girl's skin, the intricate ropes leave their trace,

A masterpiece of artistry, of passion and grace.

Fingertips linger over every twist and turn,

Admiring the canvas where desire and yearning burn,

Each mark a testament to the journey they've shared,

A testament to the pleasures both of them dared.

As Mistress' touch glides along the girl's form,

The submissive shivers, emotions starting to swarm,

A mixture of pride and vulnerability takes hold,

In this moment, a story of submission is told.

Mistress' gaze, like a soft caress, roams,

Over the curves, the lines, the art she's made her own,

Enjoying the sight of her girl's obedience and trust,

In this connection, their desires combust.

The room filled with a quiet, intimate energy,

As Mistress and girl share a moment of synergy,

The ropes that once bound now serve as a reminder,

Of the pleasures they've shared, a memory to bind her.

Tenderness and dominance intermingle,

As fingers and gazes dance, emotions that twinkle,

In this moment, the power exchange is complete,

Their souls entwined, emotions bittersweet.

With a final lingering touch, the moment prolongs,

Mistress and girl share a bond that belongs,

To them alone, a secret shared between two,

In this moment, their connection holds true.

Written by Nekane_E
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