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Holding Back or Trying to Get There

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Your focus during sex

5 votes remaining
Trying to cum (1 vote) 20%
Trying not to cum (4 votes) 80%
Certified Mind Reader

Just a curiosity - Do you find that more of your energy during sex is spent working up to the point of orgasm or holding back from an impending orgasm to prolong the experience?

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.

Sensual Hobgoblin
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Because hubby and I have talked about this, I'm going to answer for him. Just FYI, he never, ever, writes anything here as me and since he's not a member he never writes anything here period. Having said that, this is more complicated than trying to or trying not to. There's the drug component (alcohol or recreational). There is, is it meant to be a quickie for quickie's sake? Is it love sex or, as I call it, sport sex? Then you have to consider that sex is both a physical and mental "game". Having said all that, I'm going to go with an average Saturday or Sunday morning relaxed, time is not a consideration, fun/enjoyment is, coupling. His major goal is making me cum as much as possible, quite a good thing. He tells me, and I know it to be true from my many many sexual experiences with numerous guys, that there are times when, in his pursuit of my happiness (I know he's pursuing his also) he needs to slow down or completely take a short pause to let his feelings diminish. He’s mentioned that if he takes “too many” (number unknown) pauses he “switches” from dealing with cumming before he wants to, to trying to cum, period. He seems to have something of a mental switch that decides “okay you don’t want to cum so we won’t” then he has to work to achieve the happy ending. Not that I mind his extra work, but it becomes that he’s pumping away and it’s not happening for him, but being good for me. Of course, it eventually does happen for him. Then he’s gasping for breath as if he’s trying to make sure it’s not his last. I’m happy in my wonderful afterglow. smile Hope you all enjoyed this.

I just published a new story, A wife is home alone when two criminals break in to rob her. She's afraid and that's when it gets interesting A super story full of great sex, with a BDSM slant, that will hold your interest.

An oldie but goodie, An Editor's Pick from a comp a couple of years ago.

If you enjoy either, please comment. My ego needs a boost, ha! Thanks.

Active Ink Slinger

I like to prolong it to enjoy the experience (time and situation permitting), but if it is quicker than we would like, I just focus on her until round 2.

Certified Mind Reader

Quote by Kee

Because hubby and I have talked about this..... smile Hope you all enjoyed this.

Male sexual performance can certainly be a fine balancing act between not enough and too much excitement, but when it's over it's usually over (at least for a little while), so being able to pace things is a vital skill.

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.