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The Village Spanker - Part 7

"A further mature lady in the village hears about Simon Crowther's services, and gets to sample them"

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Simon Crowther, aged fifty-six, had lived in his cottage in an English village for about eight weeks now. The first six weeks were okay, he was welcomed into the village and had acquired some acquaintances, but not really any friends. The following two weeks or so were very different.

Simon had moved from a sizeable town where he had lived for years and he had gotten himself a reputation among the middle-aged ladies of the town. Possibly two reputations, or reputations for two not unconnected things.

He had got a reputation for being rather good in bed, and quite a number of the women of the town, the majority of them married, could testify to that.

Sometimes, or more accurately usually, the sex was preceded by Simon making the woman's buttocks red or even crimson by use of his right hand or sometimes a cane or a belt.

Any woman that bared her buttocks for Simon would be doing it willingly, sometimes a woman would visit him just to get her arse warmed and no sex followed, but more often than not, both the buttock warming and sex occurred.

During the first six weeks of life in the village, Simon hugely missed those aspects of his life and he had neither given a woman a sore bottom nor had sex. That situation changed after he accidentally overheard a conversation between two females in the village shop.

The two women were Paula Shemmings, the shop owner, and her friend Lynne Miller and they were discussing the lack of sex in their marriages. As part of the conversation, a remark was made by Lynne about Paula being lucky that her husband did not give her a tanned arse and Paula replied that she wished that he would.

It eventually came to light that Simon had overheard this discussion and from there, Simon and Paula discussed the situation, and Paula visited Simon's cottage to receive a very sound spanking and to get well fucked.

The next thing was that Lynne visited Simon and also got a sore bottom and a well-fucked cunt.

A third woman of the village, a divorcee named Trish O'Neill then got told about Simon by Paula and she received the same treatment. With Trish living alone, she did not have the restrictions that Paula and Lynne had, and she stayed with Simon overnight.

A fourth woman, Penny Lister, had been told about Simon and she too had visited Simon for a thorough spanking and a good fuck.

Paula and Lynne visited Simon together on one occasion and both took a caning before Simon fucked both of them. Since then, despite having been close friends for years and no such thoughts arising, the two women had had lesbian sex together.

A woman from Simon's former town, Gillian Smith, had kept in contact with Simon since his move and she had now travelled more than one hundred miles to the village and spent the night with Simon, incorporating fucking and getting her bare arse belted.

All five women were of similar age, Gillian the youngest at fifty-four and Penny the oldest at sixty-one, and they were all of a similar build in as much as they were not skinny, they were all quite curvy and all five had a great pair of buttocks.

All the women now knew of the existence in Simon's life of the other four and all knew not to arrive at his cottage unannounced, in case he was entertaining one of the others.

None of the other three women, nor Simon, knew of Paula and Lynne's brand new lesbian relationship.

Simon was now in heaven because he had now started to live the life that he had in his former town and he was living in a cottage that he fell in love with when he first saw it for sale on the internet. Simon was financially sound and did not need to work so he could devote all his time to dealing with mature female bottoms and sexually pleasuring the owners of those bottoms.

He found himself wondering just how many more ladies of the village might like his services if they knew of them. It was not a large village, and it was mostly populated by people of more mature age, and Simon would now look at the females imagining them over his knee and/or in his bed.

Simon was unsure whether adding to his harem would be a good idea. In a quite big town, it was fine but he was thinking that in a small and quite tight-knit community, maybe the fewer people that knew the better. Every time a married woman took advantage of his services, there was a husband that might find out. If what he did, and who with, became common knowledge, it might make living in the village a lot less pleasant for Simon than it was at the moment.

It was now two days since Gill Smith had visited Simon and he had not seen any of 'his' ladies socially. He had thought of phoning the unattached Trish to see if she wanted some fun but did not do so.

He headed for the village shop, not because he wanted anything in particular but because he would almost certainly see Paula. He had no plans but she was good to look at, and to talk to, if nothing else.

He entered the shop and he got a huge bonus because not only was Paula there but Lynne and Penny too.

"Well good morning ladies," said Simon, his penis hardening slightly.

"Morning Simon," said the three smiling women, all feeling a twitch in their buttocks and their cunts.

"How are you three beauties?" asked Simon.

"We had just been talking about you," announced Lynne, which was the truth.

"Really? All good, I hope," said a surprised but pleased Simon.

"Oh yes," said Penny, who then thought that she must have sounded over-enthusiastic.

"You have made an impression on all of us," said Paula.

"Yeah, in more ways than one," smirked Lynne, rubbing her buttocks.

"I am always happy to assist you ladies with anything that you need," replied Simon.

"All three of us at once?" asked Paula, an eyebrow raised and not entirely serious.

"Um, well that would be an interesting challenge, but I could try," answered Simon.

Another woman entered the shop, it was not Trish, and the conversation was brought to a halt.

As he often did, Simon got himself into a position where he could survey the new arrival from behind. She was a woman of similar age to the others who had seen around the village and had probably nodded to her, but he did not know her name. She was pleasingly wide across the hips and she was certainly not unattractive.

Paula was very aware of what Simon was doing, "Have you been introduced to Pam Yates, Simon? Mrs Yates used to be a policewoman," said Paula, immediately conjuring up thoughts of uniforms in Simon's head.

"No, I do not think that I have had the pleasure," smiled Simon, offering his hand.

"Pam, this is Simon Crowther, he bought the cottage," said Paula to the woman.

With Lynne and Penny looking on, both with the same thoughts, Pam and Simon shook hands.

"Pleased to meet you, Mister Crowther," said Pam, with quite a strong grip on Simon's hand.

"Oh Simon please; pleased to meet you, Mrs Yates," replied Simon, aware that the three women watching were all close to giggling.

"Pam," corrected the woman, somewhat reluctantly releasing her grip on Simon's hand.

"Pam," repeated Simon.

There was a brief silence, the Pam spoke, "Was I interrupting a meeting or something?"

"No, no..., we were just chatting," said Paula.

Simon knew that he would have to make further enquiries about Pam Yates, she looked to be perfect for going over his knee and, maybe, into his bed.

"Oh well, I had better be going; see you soon ladies, see you soon Simon," said Penny, as she moved towards the door.

"Bye, see you soon," was the general response, Simon and Penny looked into each other's eyes, meaningfully, suggesting that they both wanted their next meeting to be as soon as possible.

Over the last two weeks or so, Paula had gotten to be able to read Simon quite well and it was obvious to her that he had taken an interest in Pam and would want to know more about her. She also detected an interest in the other direction, Paula did not know what Pam's sex life was like, but Pam's husband was a good few years older than her.

"I had better be off too, see you soon," said Lynne, leaving just Paula, Pam and Simon in the shop.

"Bye Lynne," echoed the three people still in the shop.

Simon wanted to hang around until Pam had gone so that he could quiz Paula about her, and Paula was fully aware of that. The former policewoman in Pam made her wonder why Simon seemed so reluctant to leave, he did not appear to be making any purchases. She was also thinking to herself that he was a very attractive man, she did not know if he was married but believed that he lived on his own.

Pam was deliberately taking her time over her shopping, so much so that it was getting embarrassing for Simon just standing there, "I will be off, see you soon Paula, nice to have met you, Pam," said Simon, leaving knowing that he would get another chance to quiz Paula about Pam.

"Nice to have met you, Simon," said Pam.

"Bye Simon," said Paula, amused at the situation.

"Do you know him well?" Pam asked Paula when they were the only two in the shop.

"Well, he comes in the shop quite a lot," replied Paula, feeling guilty about withholding information from the ex-policewoman.

"He seems nice," said Pam.

"Yes, he is; lives on his own and, from what I gather, has got pots of money," said Paula.

"I am not one to gossip and I don't know if it is true, but I heard that Trish O'Neill and he were maybe an item," said Pam.

"Don't know about that, but if they are then why not? they are both single," replied Paula, again not divulging everything she knew.

"I certainly wouldn't say no to him," said Pam, surprising Paula.

"You naughty girl, Pam, you are married," admonished Paula.

"In name only; I need a good fucking," admitted Pam.

Another customer entered the shop, "Wait," Paula mouthed to Pam, suggesting she hang around until the customer had gone.

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Pam did so, thinking that she had just said way too much but wondering what Paula had to say.

The customer made their purchase and left, Pam was the first to speak, "Look, maybe I should not have said that."

"Why not, if it is the truth?" replied Paula.

"Oh yeah, it is the truth, can't remember when I last had sex," said Pam.

"I am going to tell you some things, Pam, I know that I can trust you," said Paula.

"Go on," encouraged Pam.

"I have had sex with Simon, and it is pretty sensational," said Paula.

"And you called me a naughty girl," laughed Pam.

"That is the other thing, Simon also spanks or canes women," confided Paula.

"Shit! you mean he has spanked or caned you?" said an intrigued Pam, also a turned-on Pam.

"Both, very hard; I don't know if you are into being spanked but I found it a hell of a turn-on," continued Paula.

"Years ago in police training college I got a good spanking, and you are right, the sex that followed was amazing," answered Pam.

"I am not going to mention any names, but I am not the only woman from the village that has met Simon like that," said Paula, although she probably did not need to mention names.

"Lynne? and Penny?" asked Pam.

"I am not saying," responded Paula.

"You don't need to, no wonder you three were in discussion with Simon when I came in," said Pam.

"Do you want to meet him in that way, Pam?" asked Paula.

"Ha, are you his pimp?" laughed Pam.

"I can phone him, or give you his phone number," answered Paula.

"Give me his number please, I need to think a bit," replied Pam.

"Okay, but I will phone him and tell him that you have got his number if that is alright with you," said Paula.

"Yeah, that is fine," said Pam, taking the landline and mobile numbers that Paula wrote down for her.

"I can promise you that if you do contact him, you will not regret it; your arse will be sore for a while, but you won't regret it," chuckled Paula.

"Thanks, Paula, see you soon," said Pam, leaving the shop.

Paula phoned Simon on his mobile telling him about the conversation and saying that he would very likely hear from Pam Yates. It looked like there was going to be a further addition to his harem.

Pam did not have to do a lot of thinking, you soon phoned Simon on his landline.

When he answered, she said, "Hello Simon, this is Pam Yates, I imagine that Paula has said that you might hear from me."

"Hello Pam, yes Paula has told me; you are aware of the services that I offer to sexy ladies like you?" replied Simon.

"Sexy lady? I have not been called that for a while, and yes, I am very interested in the services that you offer," said Pam.

"Not interested in your capacity as a policewoman, I hope; what I do with a lady is always with her full agreement," said Simon.

"Ex-policewoman, and no, my interest is as a woman that needs her arse spanked and needs a good fuck," responded Pam.

"Very much my sort of woman then; when can you visit me, Pam?" asked Simon.

"As it happens, I am free now if you are," said Pam.

"I am, but I do warn any married ladies that after they have visited me there will be evidence on their bottoms that it might be a good idea that their husbands did not see," stressed Simon.

"You will be the only man seeing my bottom, Simon," replied Pam.

"Splendid, see you in a few minutes, Pam," said Simon.

"I am on my way," responded Pam.

Pam very soon arrived at Simon's cottage, he was waiting at the door, "So nice to see you again, Pam, do come in," said Simon.

"Thank you, Simon, so good to see you again,..., and so soon," smiled Pam.

"Yes indeed," said Simon, as always, his eyes on his female guest's arse as she entered his cottage.

"Paula told me rather a lot about you," smiled Pam, now facing Simon.

"Paula is a lovely lady; would you like to sit down?" said Simon, indicating an armchair.

"Whilst I still can, you mean?" laughed Pam, placing her quite large backside in the armchair.

"I expect you have been told, but my spankings are the real thing and you will get a very sore bottom," said Simon.

"Yes, Paula has told me that from experience," replied Pam.

"So you need and want a very sore bottom?" asked Simon.

"I do, and I also need and want what I understand that you follow the spanking with," answered Pam.

"We should get along splendidly; would you like to get started?" said Simon.

"Ready when you are, Simon," said Pam, her face lit in anticipation and sexual excitement.

"My spanking technique is to start over clothing, then over underwear and then on the bare," said Simon, bringing a kitchen chair into the room.

"You are in charge, Mister Crowther," smiled Pam, standing as Simon sat on the chair.

"Over my knee, Mrs Yates," Simon said softly.

Pam got in position and Simon caressed her arse over her skirt, "A lovely rounded and firm bottom," said Simon.

"Not dissimilar to Paula's, I imagine," said Pam.

"Indeed so," said Simon, before suddenly commencing the spanking.

He rapidly got up to a fast and hard cheek-to-cheek spanking, and Pam was loving the feeling that her warming buttocks were causing in her cunt. Simon's hand was almost a blur as it bounced from one arse cheek to the other, he suddenly stopped.

"Remove your skirt please, Mrs Yates," said Simon.

Pam got off his lap, her face very flushed, and unzipped and removed her skirt. She did not know whether she was to await instructions to get back over, but the instructions came as a slight nod of Simon's head.

Pam got back over and she was now being spanked very hard over her black knickers' Her cunt was sticky and wet and the spanking was now more random than just cheek to cheek, sometimes several spanks on one spot.

"Knickers off," said a now breathless Simon, when the spanking paused.

The look on Pam's face was a mixture of pain and pleasure, as she removed her knickers and put herself back over Simon's knee for the last instalment of her spanking.

Simon admired Pam's glowing bare buttocks and then spanked them at full pelt. Pam was bucking, writhing and squirming, she was also cumming.

The spanking finally stopped, and Pam was encouraged to stand, something she did very unsteadily before she clutched her buttocks.

Simon's light-coloured trousers were smeared with the woman's sex juice, "S-s-s-sorry about that," stammered Pam.

"That is okay, these things happen," replied Simon, not unkindly.

"Oh Simon, you certainly gave me a sore arse," said Pam.

"As promised; would you like to go to my bedroom now?" asked Simon.

"Yes please, oh yes please," replied Pam.

Simon led the way upstairs and they had just reached his bedroom when his landline phone rang, it came up as Trish.

"Hello, how are you?" said Simon, being careful not to mention a name.

"I am fine but was wondering if I could come and see you," said Trish.

"Um, now is not convenient, I am afraid; tomorrow perhaps?" replied Simon.

"Oh, oh, sorry, I understand; you have a guest," said Trish, wondering which lucky woman was with Simon right now.

"Yes, sorry; is tomorrow any good for you?" said Simon, with Pam standing in his bedroom rubbing her sore buttocks and longing for a fuck.

"Yes, I will see you tomorrow, have fun," said Trish, sounding slightly bitter and certainly jealous.

"Thank you, see you tomorrow," said Simon.

"Another of your ladies?" asked Pam, knowing the answer.

"Yes, but you are the only lady for me at the moment," said Simon, moving to undo his trousers.

"Let me do that," interrupted Pam, and Simon pulled his hands away.

Pam moved to Simon and undid and pulled down his trousers, and she then pulled down his underpants, bringing his erect penis into view.

"What a lovely cock," said Pam, gently stroking Simon's erection before dropping to her knees and taking it into her mouth.

"Oh Pam," said Simon, placing his hand on Pam's head as she sucked his cock.

"Oh god, Simon, I need a fucking," said Pam, stopping her sucking.

"You shall have one, my dear," said Simon, kissing the now-standing Pam. They snogged for a while and eventually became naked before Simon eased Pam onto her back on the bed and slid his erection into her very wet gash.

Simon fucked her slowly at first, increased the speed, then slowed again, he was driving Pam wild.

"Fuck, oh fuck, this is amazing, fuck, oh. oh," muttered Pam, enjoying her first good fucking in years.

An increase in the speed of Simon's thrusts had Pam yelling in orgasm, "Fuck, yes, yes, fuck, oh fuck."

Simon continued shafting, Pam's red-hot arse adding to her excitement, she had rarely, if ever, in her life been this aroused.

Pam came again, and then again before Simon spurted his spunk into her. She had been well-fucked.

Pam lay on her front as Simon kissed and gently soothed her well-spanked buttocks. "Oh Simon, you have just given me the best time of my life sexually, ever," said Pam.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I doubt if it was quite that," replied Simon, modestly.

"I mean it, the spanking and the fucking combined was sensational," answered Pam.

"Well, I am pleased that you enjoyed it; I had a great time too," said Simon.

"Um, do you think that we could do it again one day?" said Pam.

"Ha, I would certainly hope so," replied Simon.

It seemed he now had a fifth lady of the village in his spanking and fucking harem.

Pam eventually showered and got dressed and left, she went past Paula's shop on the way home, hobbling because of her sore arse, and Paula laughed and waved through the window. Paula knew exactly how Pam Yates was feeling at that moment.

Written by PJH
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