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The Guitar Player - Pt. 2

"Just a regular night at work"

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Playing on the beaches of Northwest Florida had its benefits. Not only was I doing something I loved, but I was well paid and the benefits! Well, the benefits were many and varied. Let me tell about one of my best seductions.

Right after Memorial Day, the hotel started the summer season. A small group of ladies from Jackson, Mississippi came for a week's summer vacation with the kids. No men, as they were all divorced and, I guess, financially well off.

Staying on the Gulf for a week was expensive, to say the least, and these ladies spared no expense for themselves and kids. They were out for fun in the sun and surf, with a little nightlife thrown in.

Two of the women were in the lounge for the second night for cocktails and dancing. It appeared they alternated watching the kids as the same two weren’t in the lounge on successive nights. They would pretty much dance with whoever asked unless they were worn out, as we played a lot of fun danceable music. We were good. Still are.

I sort of had my eye on one in particular after she came up and requested a slow number during our first set. I heard her friend call her Pamela and she was very pretty, with brown eyes. Thirtyish, she had a little extra weight on her that she carried well. About five-foot-four tall and brunette with a large (I’d say a 40D) firm bust that she carried up high. Very blonde hair and a sweet voice. She had runners' legs with a lot of muscle on them that was appealing to me. Aw! It was mainly the boobs. I loved the cleavage she displayed at all times and caught a hint of the nipples through her tank top. Cute ass too.

Well, she was fast dancing with a guy right in front of me several times the first set and when I looked in her direction she was watching me and smiling. I smiled back and winked as I do all the time. Good politics in lounge work.

She had glowing eyes that said the drinks were flowing well and had caught up with her as when the song ended she walked up to the low stage we performed on and said, “Think you can slow it down for the next one?” Smiling sweetly, I caught a whiff of very nice perfume, intoxicating!

“Of course, lady!” I replied. "Actually, we were going to take a break, but for you, a nice slow song first!”

“Do they let the band dance here?” she said, as the guy she was dancing with rolled his eyes skyward and walked away.

“Why, yes! Yes, they do!” I replied, wondering where this was going. “We dance all the time.”

“Save one for me when y’all break, Jack, it is Jack, right?” she asked sweetly with her hands behind her back which helped those great tits to point right at me. Obviously, she had inquired about me from a cocktail waitress or the bartender. I was flattered.

We played a slow number, then immediately did our pre-break shuffle and announced a break. John, our bass player, came over to me and asked, ”Was she hitting on you right in front of that guy?”

“Looks like it, huh?” I said. “Plenty of other fish here tonight for him though.”

“And us too! Man, I love this job!” John was Hispanic with talent coming out his butt. I loved working with him and Paul, our drummer. “You going to take her up on the offer?”

“Right after I take a piss and get another drink,” I said, walking towards the men's room.

I finished draining the snake and got a bourbon from the bartender. Walking up to the ladies' table, I saw several guys standing around them talking. I was going to bypass them when Peggy saw me and standing up, motioned for me to sit down.

“Here he is now!” she said happily. “Our great singer. Come on, Jack, sit down and relax, here next to me!”

The two bulls took the hint and went in search of greener pasture. These women knew how to handle men.

I sat and asked their names politely and was rewarded with, “Well, you know I’m Pamela, and this is Peggy.”

Peggy was great looking also, thin with perky B-cup boobs and a slim body. Yes, guitarists love nice tits; it’s the first thing we see, right? We talked for a moment and after remarking that she loved my voice, excused herself and left for the ladies' room.

Reaching her hand out to touch my arm, Pamela looked demurely at me and asked, “Are you ready for that dance, Jack? Slow songs are coming up. I put a dollar in the machine and picked out my favorites!” I could tell she was enjoying the cocktail's effects. I know I was. She pulled me to my feet and to the dance floor.

Now you would have to have seen this lounge to appreciate its third-floor construction. First, it was long with basically four rows of tables. One row of four top tables was along a long glass wall that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico. When the moon was getting full it was a glorious sight and set many a mood for intimacy that was consummated on the rolling sand dunes just yards away. These tables were partitioned with several floor-to-ceiling partitions about seven feet wide for a little more privacy. The last wall ended at the dance floor, giving dancers a little alcove where they could not be seen unless by other dancers. Pam led me there for a dance.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, I placed mine on her waist and we began to slow dance. “You can hold me closer to you, Jack. I won’t break,” she laughed, in a cute, slightly inebriated manner. I could smell the alcohol on her breath.

I pulled her closer and moved my hands up higher on her body until my forearms were brushing her sideboobs. I left my hands on her sides and we molded together nicely. I smelled her cologne again and was instantly aroused by the mixture of her scent and the cologne, all woman.

Some women like to be aggressive when they dance with you the first time, others more passive as if waiting for me to make the first move. Pamela was aggressive as her face moved closer to mine and her nose brushed mine ever so gently.

“Y’all sound so good, Jack! All the different songs--seems like you know them all!” Her lips brushed mine with a hint of tongue. “I love the way you sing, so well!”

“Thank you, Pamela, I love this job.” I was beginning to think she might be drunk when Pamela moved her body closer and pushing me against the wall, laid a kiss on me that curled my toes, I, of course, returned the kiss with equal fervor. Our bodies pressed against each other and I felt her nipples get hard against my chest and a slight ever-so-slow movement of her pussy pressing against my now fully aroused cock.

Her tongue did a slow dance of its own around mine, so wet and inviting, her head moving slightly as if searching for the best spot. Her tongue was small but big on passion.

Suddenly realizing what was happening, Pam pulled away enough to disengage our wantonness and said, “Whoo, Jack! I’m afraid I’ve had a little too much to drink! Sorry if I came on too much!” Her face was flushed and she was breathing a bit heavy. Actually, so was I.

“Well, I’m not! That was a wonderful dance! Makes me want to sing love songs to you all night long.” I am quick if nothing else, not in bed, just retorts. ”You can dance with me whenever you like!”

Pam smiled sweetly up at me and put my arm in hers. We walked to her table where again the menfolk were trying to impress her friend, Peggy. “Ooh! I need to go to the ladies' room! Can you show me where it is, Jack?”

“Sure, I need it too.”

“The ladies' room?” Pam quipped.

We laughed together and walked out to the hallway where the restrooms awaited us.

Stopping in front of the ladies' door, Pam kissed me lightly on the cheek.

I said, “Meet you inside? I’m a bit late getting back to the bandstand.”

“Sure, Jack, play me something pretty.” She leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “I want another dance. Okay?” She pulled away.

“Okay, lady, I’ll look forward to it!” I rushed into the men's room, took a stall and pissed like a racehorse. Kissing and fondling make my heart race. I double-timed back to the stage.

“I saw that kiss, man!” John said and smiled knowingly. “Her idea or yours?”

“Totally hers. I wasn’t expecting it.” I grinned at my friend. “Really good kisser, I hope she wants to play pattie-cake with me.”

John shook his head and continued smiling, “Man, I love this job!”

We performed the next set like the first: tight music, tighter harmonies and a variety of songs that kept the dance floor packed. I watched as Pamela and Peggy had a number of drinks bought for them and they danced with several partners; none stayed at the table for long as Pam kept looking at me and blowing kisses and smiling. She made it clear she wanted to dance with me again.

John announced an imminent break and we took our instruments off and stepped down into the crowd. I needed a piss break bad as I averaged two weak bourbon-and-Cokes a set. So I headed out the door when Pamela sidled up to me. ”Going somewhere, fella?” Again, that mischevious grin that told me she was still pretty high on alcohol.

“Yes, Ma'am! If I don’t pee soon I’ll explode, would not want that to happen!” I said moving quickly to the men's room.

“Mind if I wait for you out here? I don’t want to miss my dances.”

“Fine with me, Pam, I’ll be quick!"

“I hope not,” Pam muttered with a giggle.

Quickly draining the lizard, I came back outside to see Pam talking with Peggy who was heading into the ladies' room. Smiling at me she said, ”Uh oh! Jack's back! Haha! Dance time; gotta go, Peg, see you inside.”

Walking back inside to her table I asked if we could just sit for a few moments while I got my breath back from singing so much. You’d be amazed at what it takes out of you to sing fifty or sixty tunes a night - six nights a week.

“This is good, Pam, thanks.” I was mellowing out and said, ”It’s great having you and your friends here, we appreciate a good audience.”

“Oh, we’re having a wonderful time, Jack, we almost went to Fort Walton beach but someone told us about here and we don’t regret the choice.”

“How are your rooms? Enough space for everyone?” I asked conversationally as I was catching my breath.

“Well, it is a little tight, what with four kids. But we keep them in the adjoining room and all being young, love it! Tell me, Jack, do you stay here at the hotel as well as play?”

“Yes, we get two mini-suites even though we live close by. The innkeeper doesn’t like us driving home after drinking; he was a sax player for a while. Our drummer lives down the street. The suites are two rooms and pretty nice, with a king-size bed, and a sofa and a small kitchen are in the next space.”

“Ooh! Sounds nice. I’d love to see them, maybe we can switch our rooms for suites and get more space.”

I was feeling good enough for a dance before getting back to work and asked, ”How about that dance?”

“Sure!” Pamela drained her cocktail, it looked like one of those champagne things that girls liked. She arose just as Peggy was returning with John in tow.

“Well, lookie what I found, Pam! My own personal guitar player!” Peggy was obviously feeling no pain. “Now we have a matched set!”

“Bass, I play bass,” John said in his deepest voice and maneuvered Peggy to the dance floor.

“Come on, Jack, it’s a slow song! Just what we need." Pam pulled me back to our little alcove where she turned and hooked her arms around my neck again and pulled me close. I again smelled her scent, accompanied by alcohol and a little perspiration, Okay, sweat if you like, but the effect was instant hard-on again. I encircled her body with my arms and returned the dancing embrace.

I knew what was coming next. Pam’s lips sought mine; her lips moved in for the touch and we kissed. The same little, wet tongue sought mine and moved sensuously around in my mouth. Heavenly. Pam was an excellent kisser. Again I felt her gently rubbing hardening nipples against my chest. I have a big, hairy chest. Probably felt good to her, I know it felt good to me.

Again she pulled away as if slightly embarrassed at her forwardness. I knew the drinking was helping but she seemed unsure of herself. I just held her and commented on what a good dancer she was.

“I really am enjoying the dancing, Jack, oh yeah! Do you think you could show me your suite, Jack? I really would like to get an idea of its size.” Pam was slurring her words slightly.

‘The size of what? I wondered. “Sure thing, Pam, but it will have to be next break as it’s time for me to go to work again; sorry, but if y'all need to go, we can go look at it tomorrow.” I was baiting the hook.

“Oh, no! Peggy and I aren’t going back to that little madhouse until the lounge shuts down! We needed tonight!" Pam’s face was imploring me to take her right now to the room. “Please, Jack?”

“Next break! I promise!” Hmm. Maybe I’ll get more than a kiss!

The song ended and it was work time. We walked to her table where John was getting a peck on the cheek from Peggy.

Pam sat down. ”What do you think, Jack?” she asked, reaching for her cocktail. ”You sure I can see it next break?”

“Sure you can, at the next break. I can meet you upstairs if you want, room number 410. Just go to the elevator outside the doors and go up to the next floor. My room is just above the dance floor. John's is next to it. It’s hard to keep them occupied because the band keeps people up til after two.”

“Oh! That would be great, Jack! When you go to break, I’ll be upstairs.” Pam took another long pull on her drink. She acted horny and nervous at the same time. I loved it. Pam was growing on me; well, something was growing.

John and I walked up to the stage and John, smiling at me remarked, “We only get fifteen minutes, don’t be late! You know how Kevin gets pissed when you’re late.” He walked to his bass guitar, laughing. Kevin was the manager.

“Fuck Kevin!’ I said to myself. He’s pissed cause we get most of the pussy!


The third set went by as usual; we played well, dancers danced sexily, and girls and guys talked their trash to one another. The usual night at the club could be boring at times. I watched Pam at her table and on the dance floor and I wondered if she was capable of walking to my suite after all that champagne. I hoped so!

I announced a break coming up after the next song, which created a bunch of 'no’s and 'not yet' from the crowd, but reminded everyone we had one more set coming up and that got cheers. John smiled at me and he sang the next song.

Putting down my guitar and grabbing my drink, I heard John say, ”Fifteen minutes, bro, better hustle!” He chuckled, “Better be a quickie!”

“Yeah right,” I answered, "That won’t happen! I don’t believe in quickies, well not always.”

I did, however, hustle my ass upstairs in record time.

Leaning up against my door was Pam holding a glass of champagne, smiling and happy to see me. I was happy to see her. I used my key card to open the door and stood back to let her enter first. Luckily, I’m a neat guy and the room was spotless. She walked into the sitting room with its sofa, chair and cocktail table.

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“Ooh! Jack, it’s so much bigger than mine, and the sofa looks so comfortable!”

“Yes, I like the way the end cushions are extra big so you can lay back and read or sleep.” I patted the overstuffed arm cushions. “It’s very comfortable, I fall asleep a lot on it. Come to the patio with me!”

I led the way to the king-size bed area, and going to the sliding door, opened it to the night air. The water was gently murmuring against the shore and with a half moon up; it was very romantic.

“A lot of times, I just leave it open so I can listen to the surf.” I motioned for her to join me on the patio. ”It lulls you to sleep.” We stood there several moments enjoying the view.

We walked back inside and Pam walked over, set her glass down on the table and pulled me close for a kiss. That long tongue-searching kiss that instantly got me hard again. I gently rubbed my dick against her tummy and she again offered her mound to me. We kissed and softly humped, standing there for several moments. I moved my left hand down to her ass and held her close and slowly moved my right to her left tit. I rubbed it gently, rolling my finger over the protruding nipple.

Breaking the kiss a little, Pam moaned and whispered, “Ahh, that is so nice, Jack!” Pam moaned and again kissed me hard, rubbing her crotch gently over mine. I tweaked her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and got that great erotic feeling all over as it hardened more. I was unconsciously squeezing her ass with my left hand, so nice and firm. So like her soft and firm breast. We must have kissed and humped a good five minutes.

Putting her head on my shoulder, Pam sighed and said, “Oh, Jack! I have to go to the girl's room for a moment, can I?” She headed to the bath door too quickly

Damn! I didn’t want this to end. “Well, of course, don’t be long, I have to get back downstairs in a couple minutes for the last set.” I knew our time was almost up but I was, hopefully, not finished by a long shot. “Would you like to continue this later?”

“Surely, hey, maybe we can walk on the beach too? I’d really like that, Jack!”

Okay! Maybe the beach was a good choice. I’ve gotten a lot of blowjobs and some great pussy on a beach towel. Seems most women have never fucked on the sand and just walking the beach got them super horny.

I walked to the door and opening it, said, “See you after the last song, okay?”

“Okay, Jack!” she called from inside the bath.

I got to the bandstand just in time and John made a show of looking at his watch saying, ”Hey, lipstick boy, better wipe some of that lipstick off - your face is red!” he laughed.

I used a napkin that was on my amp and wiped my mouth. Shit, it looked like I ate a cherry pie with no hands! I laughed too.

During our first song, Pamela walked up to her table with a smile on her face and a drink in her hand. Sitting down next to Peggy, they began talking. About the band, I hoped. Yep, they kept looking at John and me.

John and I looked at each other and grinned. As I said, this is a tough job, not for everyone. We started the set with ‘We’re An American Band'. And didn’t stop the songs until the bell rang for the last call.

I usually just leave my guitar on its stand when I leave, as it saves time and no one is allowed in the place unless they are hotel employees. I placed it and turned around to bump into Pam who had come up to the stage. She had a very happy look on her face and said, ”I’m ready for my walk on the beach if you still want to go.”

Well, sure I was ready. I told her I needed to change into my bathing suit and shirt which of course, were in my room. Actually, I was sweaty and in wet clothes. I didn’t want to chance smelling like a herd of billy goats.

“Okay! Do I have time to get mine and meet you at your room?” Pam asked.

“Sure, I’ll leave the door ajar so you can get in.”

We walked out of the lounge and she hurried down the hall to where I guess her rooms were located on the same floor.

“See you in a minute,” Pam said over her shoulder. I smiled and got into the elevator, pressed 'four.'

I was in the bath, having quickly wiped down and changed into my suit and a body shirt when I heard a knock and Pam’s voice asking, “Okay to come in, Jack?”

“Uh huh, I’ll be right out.”

Walking out I was surprised to see her dressed in running shorts and a tank top and instantly thought she couldn’t go. Then I saw the other clothing and purse in her left hand and in her right was a bottle of champagne.

“I didn’t want to wake anyone up, can I just change here? Won’t be a minute!"

“Go right in,” I said.

It took all of two minutes and out walked a dreamy vision of a woman. The extra weight was so perfectly arranged by her black two-piece suit that I had to whistle. The top part had a cute bow in the front, and the very tight bottoms had ties at both sides.

“You certainly fill out that suit! Sure you’re safe with me on a beach at two in the morning?” I smiled my biggest bad-boy smile.

“Of course I do! I know a gentleman when I see one. I need a plastic cup for the champagne, got one handy?”

I got us each a large cup from the cabinet and we filled them with her champagne.

“I’ll just leave my purse here if that’s okay?”

“Yeah, no one has a key to my room, it’s safe,” I said, grabbing two large beach blankets to bring along, throwing them over my shoulder.

Walking out the door Pam excitedly exclaimed, “I’ve never been on a beach walk this late with a man before! It’s dreamy.”

I stopped, put my arm around her neck and drew her in for a kiss. After a moment, she rose up on her toes and returned it with passion.

“Now that was dreamy!” I said. ”Let’s go, cutie.”

We walked out to the short boardwalk and stepped out on the sand together, ”Ooh! The sand is so cool! I thought it would still be warm from the sun.”

“Naw, it cools down quickly after the sun goes down, the air stays nice and warm though,” I replied, putting my right arm around her waist.

We walked quietly for a few minutes and looking at the sky Pam said, ”OMG! Look at how clear the stars are! I’ve never seen them like this before.”

“This is why I love living on the beach, Pam. It’s so beautiful out here, just like you!” We stopped walking and Pam melted into my offered embrace. I moved my right hand up to her neck and, holding loosely, kissed her deeply. She instantly responded and wrapped me up with her free hand. I wanted to grab her ass again but she beat me to it as she softly rubbed her pussy on my shaft which had somehow hardened and was pointing straight up to my navel, all eight inches.

Pam moaned softly into my mouth and rubbed her free hand over my back, keeping me where she wanted me.

I was so aroused I just stood stock still and enjoyed her taking charge; the kissing slowly ended and she said. ”Oh, Jack! That made me dizzy, can we sit for a minute?”

“Yeah, let's move to the dune behind us, over here where it’s private.”

I nudged her in the direction of the dunes and spreading the towels against the slope, helped Pam sit. I sat next to her right side and put my drink down; again I held her with both arms.

“Umm! Let me get a swallow of my drink,” Pam said and placed her cup out of the way. She turned, hugged me tight and sighed.

I began kissing her neck and was rewarded with a sweet blissful moan from Pam. “That feels so good, Jack!”

I moved up to her ear and gently bit on the lobe which got another moan and a tighter hug. I moved my left hand to her neck and massaged it for a moment while again kissing the neck. ”Like that, beautiful?” Yeah! Stupid question but it’s nice to be complimented on my technique!

“Oh, yes! It’s wonderful, Jack!” I could feel her body relaxing. I was ready for the next step

I worked my mouth up over to her lips and kissed her slowly at first, then more passionately while my right hand moved slowly over her left tit and gently massaged its fullness through the top. I made sure to pass my fingers over the hardening nipple. She had those eraser nipples that begged to be squeezed and I obliged. I alternated rubbing and pulling on the nipple; my dick was pulsing so pleasantly, I was rubbing against her thigh for more.

Pamela was in a blissful state of relaxation when I tenderly laid her backward against the dune we lay on. It gave us a slight angle at which we weren’t prone but very comfortable--she on her back, and I on my left side supported on my elbow. Thank God for working out regularly.

Now I could use both hands on her body; my left hand was fondling her right tit and my right was gently pulling her left nipple and squeezing it so tenderly. “Oh, Jack! That’s making me feel so good!”

I moved my right hand under her top and felt her incredibly firm, yet soft breast. I pulled the fabric up, exposing her boob and lowered my mouth to her nipple, gently sucking. I licked the tip several times and again sucked on her suppleness.

Pamela tensed up for a moment and then relaxed, saying softly, ”Bite it! Bite my nipples, baby!" One of her hands held my head while the other grabbed my thigh and squeezed suggestively. ”Don’t stop, Jack!”

My lips easily found her hardened nipple and sucking it into my mouth, captured it with my teeth. Biting softly, I heard her moaning with her desire, her hand raised to her mouth, and she muttered. “Ahh! Ahh! Yes!”

My cock was straining to get out of the suit and join in the fun. The tip was moist from the excitement and I felt a wet spot beginning to form in my suit. The more I fondled Pam, the wetter I was getting.

My left hand was staying busy as I slid it under the right tit to lift the fabric up. Pam pulled on the bow and released her boobs. Now both breasts were exposed to the night air and my hand and mouth. I pinched that nipple and with both hands holding and massaging her boobs, slowly worked my mouth back and forth on both.

“Kiss me please, Jack! Come here!” and pulling my head up to her face, laid a lip lock on me that made the earlier kisses seem tame. I continued the hand actions. Pam moaned into my mouth as I struggled to keep my left elbow from collapsing.

Turning onto her right side, Pam’s left leg suddenly raised up and rested on my thigh. I felt her pussy edging towards my dick. I moved my right leg further inside her legs so that my thigh was firmly against her pussy. My dick was lying on her right thigh, dripping precum. We kissed and humped each other vigorously. It was euphoric!

I felt Pam trying to open her legs fully so I lifted my left leg up to enable her. With her legs open, my cock was suddenly fully resting on her prize; she was so very wet! I joyfully humped her pussy, feeling her movements equally against my cock. Instant rhythm together. We never stopped kissing the entire shift in position.

Pam’s breath was coming in gulps and mine was matching hers. As I was still fondling her tits, she continued to mumble, “Uh huh!” and, “Yes!” repeatedly to me, while I could only grunt every time she moved her pussy up and down on my shaft. We were generating a tremendous amount of fluids between each other as we rubbed and I whispered into her ear.

“Would you mind if I lowered my bottoms so I can feel you better?” I was aroused to a state where I had to get us naked soon. I knew Pam was about to blow also.

“Go ahead! Untie my bottoms too! I want to feel you closer!”

I quickly pulled my suit down my thighs and reached for her ties to release her bottoms.

Pam lifted her hips as I untied the suit and it fell to the towel; her pussy was mine! I lowered my cock to the valley of her pussy and lightly laid it there. I let Pam take charge and she ground her lips the entire length of my cock, wetting it instantly and totally. Her head was thrown back, her eyes were closed, and her tongue peeked out from her mouth as she slowly moved her head side to side. Agonizing erotic noises were escaping us both.

Groaning several times, I tried to line up my cock with her entrance but couldn’t until she opened her eyes and told me, “Let me fuck you, Jack! I’ve wanted to fuck you since I first saw you playing guitar last night, let me fuck you the way I want to be fucked!”

What could I do, I was so aroused I would have agreed to have her baby if she asked. I simply said, “Fuck me, Pam!”

She closed her eyes and smiled. I felt her raise her hips up until my dick was at her hole. I slid slowly into her depths all the way in one wet, warm and delicious motion. The first insertion with a new partner is the greatest! I bottomed out and lay still. I was at her mercy and pleasure, ready for her loving.

Pam did all the moving as I balanced on my elbows and knees so as to not crush her. For a good ten minutes, I was lovingly fucked and kissed in a totally new way I had never before experienced. She kept up a slow sensuous pace that had me panting in a minute.

Every time I started approaching a climax she would slow down and tell me, "Not yet, Jack, just a little bit more!” Then she would moan and kiss me passionately.

Her pussy was so sensuous, slowly bringing me to where she wanted to go. I couldn’t bear much more.

“Pam, you are making me cum! I wanted you to cum first!” I whispered. I was at the door to a huge orgasm.

“Shh, honey! It’s my gift to you for being such a slow and gentle lover. I’m ready also. Just tell me when and we’ll cum together.” The woman was an incredible lover! How the hell could her man let her go?

My balls were drawn up close and my dick was pulsing with pleasure. ”I’m almost there, Pam, I can’t stop! Just a few more strokes…”

“Ahh!” I ejaculated deep into her pussy; my cock was pulsing so strong I knew she could feel the ribbons of fluid spurting deep inside of her body. I kissed her deeply to express my satisfaction. The aftershocks were so pleasurable, every single one! I could feel our fluids escaping out around my cock, even as her pussy tightened around me more. It was her turn.

Pam began to shake and thrust her pussy at me rapidly when her face contorted and she moaned a long excruciating cry of lust and pleasure that changed into grunts of lust as she fucked me deep into her pussy. I finally could join in and, breathing like a racehorse, I fucked her as deeply and sensuously as I could.

She gulped in air as if drowning and held me in an embrace that I shared. We continued with a slow languid fucking motion for several minutes, neither talking, just kissing and moving together, enjoying each other's passion as long as possible.

"Pamela, that was beautiful!” was all I could say for a moment. “I feel as if I go on until the sun rises, are your friends expecting you back soon?”

“Of course they are, silly! By nine in the morning. I jog every morning early. I wanna go back to your room; I don’t think we’re finished!”

“Great idea, Pam!” And I meant it!



This series is mainly true with some embellishing by my memories of them!

Actually, the Pamela adventures continued for several years as she was well off and returned often. She loved the beach, and me, and sex on the beach. Pam returns in about a month and again smites me with her passionate nature. This series will probably jump around in categories but are mainly seductions or just outright conquests.



Written by jkthekat
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