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Metamorphosis Of A Good Girl

"Bree hated being hurt as a good girl ... maybe she would love being hurt as a bad one"

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Bree pulled up in her car at the horse farm. It was dark with a few lanterns lighting the way from the parking area to the entrance. Her heart pounded with fear. What a way to spend her birthday.

I can do this. I can do this, she thought as she grabbed her bottle of liquid courage, Malabu Rum.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered his last words to her. "I just don't love you. And to be honest, I find you a little boring," he had said.

She had given him her best. She was a good girl... honest, loving, loyal. It wasn't enough for him. She felt hurt and humiliated by him. 

What was the point of being a good girl? she thought, wiping away another tear. I'll show him how NOT boring I am.

A local swingers/fetish club had their annual fetish retreat tonight at a horse farm outside the city. Bree had heard about it, but of course, never thought about going. Raised by strict parents, she had always done the right thing in the past. Ray had been her first lover. She had saved herself for the 'right' man only to find out he didn't care. After he broke her heart, something snapped in her. She saw the ad for the fetish retreat and something inside her told her to go. She waited outside Hustler Hollywood until the store was almost empty, then quickly ran inside and bought a black corset, leather skirt, black stockings, and a garter belt. She hoped no one she knew had seen her.

Now, she sat in her car with her voluptuous breasts spilling out over the top of her corset. She opted to skip her panties and just wear the crotchless black stockings with a garter belt underneath her black leather skirt. Black eyeliner, smokey gray eyeshadow, and false eyelashes transformed her face. She applied a red, glossy lip to finish her look.  This was quite a transformation for a girl who had never worn much makeup before.

Okay. I can do this, she thought again, and slowly climbed out of the car. 

Her head was spinning a little from the rum. She slowly walked to the gated entrance to the farm. A nice looking man smiled at her and welcomed her and took her money for admission. He looked her up and down as she nervously stood there. 

"Have fun," he said smiling.

Just take it one step at a time, she encouraged herself. She wondered if anyone could see her shaking.

It was truly a sight to behold. Still dimly lit, she could see the shackles and ropes around the trees. Rustic barns had people milling in and out. It was beautiful under the starry, night sky. She looked up and saw the full moon, shining some light on the other guests. She sighed relief as she saw most were dressed similarly. Black leather was everywhere. Also, there were many women wearing no top at all. Large breasts being fondled by other guests. One man was bent over with another woman's nipple in his mouth while her head was thrown back. A DJ was playing on a cleared out dirt area. Bree was frozen. She didn't know what to do next.

"Remember, let us know of any birthdays here tonight," the DJ announced.

That was her 'in'. 

Tell him, she told herself. Good girls lose. Time to be a bad girl.

Bree slowly walked up to the DJ.

"Excuse me," she said softly.

"Well, hellooo, sexy," he replied. "What can I do to you?"

Bree nervously laughed. "It is my birthday," she said.

"HEY! We have our first birthday girl!" the DJ excitedly yelled. "Time to break in the whipping tree."

Bree gasped and said, "The what?"

Before the DJ answered a man suddenly appeared by her side and took her by the hand. He was in tight jeans and no shirt and had a wild look about him. He pulled her quickly to a nearby tree.

"Now, pretty thing, face the tree and get your birthday paddling," he instructed. 

He moved her into position and pulled her arms around the tree and slid her wrists into restraints. Bree was instantly alarmed and pulled hard against the restraints.

"I ... I don't know about this," Bree stammered.

"You will enjoy it," he whispered. "Light pain is a close cousin to pleasure, remember. Now, I am going to slide your skirt down."

Bree suddenly remembered her pain when Ray told her he didn't love her. She had poured her heart out to him. She just wanted the pain to go away. She was hardly aware when the man slid down her skirt exposing her naked round bottom.

"Who wants to give the birthday girl her spanking?" announced the DJ.

Bree turned her head and saw men coming out from the crowd of people and walking towards her. 

The first man was stocky and dark-skinned with a black beard and mustache. He looked quite a bit older than her. He walked up to her with a large wooden paddle in his hand. Bree's eyes grew wild with anticipation. She wanted to feel the paddle on her bottom. A different pain to replace her emotional pain.

"Happy Birthday, lovely girl. Are you a bad girl?" he whispered in her ear.

"Yes! I am very bad," Bree said.

"Then, you shall get a bad girl's spanking," he replied, with mischief in his eyes.

Bree held her breath and then whack! She felt the first sting of the paddle. She let out a gasp. Then, she found herself wanting more.


 The man continued paddling her glowing red bottom. It was a good hurt. It was replacing the hurt in her heart with each smack of her bottom.

Then, the man stopped and kissed her cheek and moved back to give the next man his time with her. The next man was a tall blonde and had a leather strap with little leather straps dangling off the end of it. He moved towards her.

"Happy Birthday, beautiful," he said and kissed the back of her neck.

Bree smiled. This was feeling really good to her. The man ran the flogger down her back and teased her with it between her legs. 

"Ahhh," she moaned. That felt really really good to her.

He pulled it back and swatted her bottom with it. Again and again and again while Bree was moaning. Her head was thrown back as she looked up at the stars.

Man after man after man came forward to wish her happy birthday and spank her in their own ways. Her bottom was on fire but she didn't care. These men made her feel desired and beautiful. She liked playing the bad girl. Her embarrassment left her. 

The man who had restrained her appeared again and released her. He too kissed her cheek and whispered, "Happy Birthday." She had noticed the blonde man had stayed around watching the other men spank her. His bright blue eyes never left her. He approached her smiling with a collar and leash in hand.

"Bad girl, will you be my pet?" he asked seductively.

She found him very attractive. His attention filled the emptiness Ray had left inside.

"Yes," Bree said bravely, curious as to what that would entail.

"My name is Jax," the man said.

"Hello, Jax. I am Bree," she said.

Jax cupped her face and gently kissed her red lips. His tongue quickly pried her anxious lips apart and he deepened the kiss. Bree was instantly breathless and wanting more of this man.

Should I do this, she asked herself. I don't even know this man. I shouldn't do this, but it feels so good.

Jax pulled away from her and placed the collar around her neck. Then, he attached the leash to the ring on the collar and held the leash in his hand.

"Come now, my pet," he ordered, lightly pulling on the leash.

He pulled her towards one of the open-air barns. Bree saw a few other women on leashes. She couldn't believe what else she saw. A man was on his knees licking a woman's pussy. Another woman was bent over a hay bail being fucked from behind for all to see. Jax pulled her towards a corner hay bail. 

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"Sit, my pet," he instructed, pulling on her leash.

Bree obeyed, anxiously awaiting what he would do next. She found herself wet between her legs and breathing very hard again. Jax unzipped his pants and pulled out his large, hard cock. 

"It's time for you to be fed, my pet," he said.

Bree was startled. She couldn't do this in front of these people. This was humiliating being led around by a leash. Then she remembered some of Ray's hurtful words about her being boring and a straight-laced girl. Those words had been more humiliating to her.

I am not a boring good girl. I am a bad girl now, she thought.

Jax pulled her leash, leaning her towards his awaiting cock. Bree took him inside her warm mouth. She lost herself in it. She sucked him hard and took him in and out of her mouth. She was going down on him like a trained porn star. Jax was a little surprised at her boldness since she had seemed a little shy before. He was growling and groaning in ecstasy. Suddenly, Bree felt someone's hands on her hips behind her. She jerked around and saw the first man who had spanked her. He lifted her bottom up from where she was seated and moved in behind her.

"Keep feeding, my pet," Jax ordered.

Bree did as instructed as the other man sat on the hay bail. She was now standing bent over sucking Jax. The other man bent his head down and she felt his tongue licking her between her legs from the back. She loudly shrieked. It was an amazing sensation to be sucking one man while another was licking her very wet pussy. She felt like a very bad girl and loved it. Jax then growled and came in her mouth. She swallowed his cum eagerly. Passion had taken over her reluctant thoughts. 

"Lay down, my pet," Jax ordered, pulling her away from the other man.

Bree was disappointed to be pulled away from the other man. She loved what he was doing to her. Jax lay her down and she was excited when the other man resumed his position licking her pussy. He was on the ground now too and lifted her legs over his shoulders. She wiggled wildly at each lick of his tongue. Jax surprised her by leaning over her chest and roughly taking a nipple into his mouth. He pinched one nipple while his tongue continued assaulting her other nipple. Bree lost all control now. She had never felt anything so intense or pleasurable. She felt it building in her lower tummy and then screamed out her release. She continued to scream as each wave came, while both men kept licking her. Then, she went limp.

She was panting and the men pulled away. The man between her legs was gently rubbing her thighs now and Jax kissed her mouth tenderly. She couldn't believe she had these two handsome men giving her this attention and she loved it.  She couldn't believe this had just happened in front of strangers. These men were strangers. 

"It is time to free my pet," Jax said. He unhooked her leash and helped her off the floor. 

Jax and the other man took turns kissing her and then walked away. Bree was pulled back to when Ray walked away from her. She was stronger now though and shook it off. She needed more of this. More pain. More of Bree the bad girl. 

Bree walked out of the barn to find the party had turned-up quite a bit more. There were more people with their clothes off. Women were lined up bent over a horse fence while being fucked from behind. It was a sight she would never forget. Wreckless sex was everywhere. She wanted to be a part of it. Then, her eyes caught some younger men peering over the fence on one side. They were not really at the retreat. One caught her eye and motioned her over.

"Hey there sexy," he said. "What is all this? We work the horse stables on this farm and saw this party going on ... and WHOA!"

"It is a fetish retreat for people into bondage, spanking, submission, and dominance stuff," Bree answered. "Hey, I love horses. Are they in their barns, now?"

"Yeh, we just put them up for the night. Would you like to see them?" he asked.

This boy was probably younger twenties and very fit and muscular from all his farm work. He was also dirty and not at all like the men at the retreat, dressed in old jeans with holes in them and a stained t-shirt. Something made her want to go with him. Maybe it was because Bree the good, proper girl wouldn't have looked at him twice.

"Yes, I would," she answered, bravely climbing over the fence.

"I will see you guys later," he said to his friends.

He took her hand and led her across the field to a barn. It smelled of manure and animals, yet was turning her on. She was feeling dirty already and liked it. He opened the door and led her in towards one of the horses.

"This is 'Sunshine', one of my favorite horses. She has the best disposition. Some of them can be quite mean."

"Hello Sunshine," Bree said as she reached up to stroke his soft mane. 

Bree noticed the stall fence and fantasized about being bent over it and fucked from behind by this scruffy farm boy. She turned to him and pulled him by his t-shirt closer. They locked eyes and she boldly claimed his dusty lips. 

She pulled away and whispered, "You know, I was a good girl ... a princess. That princess would have never wandered into this barn with a farm boy. Tonight I am a bad girl and I want you to do bad things to me," 

"Well, I AM a bad boy and would LOVE to do bad things to you," he said roughly. 

He kissed her as one hand grabbed her breast and the other snaked its way up her skirt.

"No panties ... love that," he groaned. "You are a bad girl."

"What do you want me to do to you?" he asked.

"Lean me over the railing and fuck me hard from behind until I am screaming and scare your horses," she replied boldly.

He spun her around and bent her over the railing, and lifted up her skirt. She could hardly wait to feel him inside her. His hands roamed her bottom and a finger poked inside her wet awaiting pussy. This farm boy was experienced and quickly found her g-spot. 

"Oh my ... yes yes yes," she squealed.

"Tell me when you are about to cum," he said. "I don't want you to cum until my dick is inside you."

He continued rubbing her with his finger and his other hand found her clit. Bree was loudly screaming now, so he pulled away.

"Don't stop, please don't stop," she begged.

"I am going to fuck you hard now. I will fuck you until you can't walk," he said gruffly.

Bree was so turned on by his words. She wanted to be fucked. Her thoughts were in the moment and her hurt and humiliation from Ray had disappeared. The farmhand plunged his hard cock into her pussy. He was ramming her from behind so hard she thought the fence board might break. His hands were digging into her hips pulling her harder against him. They were both groaning with each thrust. Bree let out a blood-curdling scream as she came and then he quickly came. He stayed inside her as they rode out the remains of their orgasms and were left breathless. 

"Fuck. You are amazing," he said. "Such a great fuck!"

Bree smiled. He slid out of her and she pulled her skirt back down. She kissed him on the lips and turned and walked away.

"Hey, where are you going?" he called after her.

"Thank you for the fuck," she said casually. 

She left feeling empowered and strong. Tonight was a night she would never tell anyone about. It was also a night she was transformed and she would never be the same again.






Written by KimmiBeGood
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