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Fountain Of Desire

"Wilbur get's more than he bargained for..."

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“That's from the lady, over there," the barman smiled at Wilbur and indicated with his eyes toward the blonde sitting at the end of the bar, as he slid the drink towards him.

Wilbur was on his second drink for the night at his regular watering hole, The Tipsy Tipple. He had been here more regularly after his breakup a couple of months ago and had come to know a couple of the regulars by name. He enjoyed the familiarity and companionship, especially so as he was living alone.

Maybe less than twenty people were scattered around the otherwise empty tables. The atmosphere was like most Tuesdays, rather quiet and subdued. Wilbur noticed the lanky blonde with her short, dishevelled hair when she walked in and sat down at the end of the bar. She greeted the barman by name and ordered a drink. Wilbur thought her quite attractive but looked away when it appeared she came to meet another man, whom she hugged and kissed when he arrived.

'Makes sense,' Wilbur smirked to himself, 'why else would a hot blonde be here by herself on a Tuesday.'

His eyes involuntarily drifted back to her again though. She was wearing a skin-tight pair of blue jeans with brown leather, high heel boots, and a khaki long-sleeved shirt. He liked the look of her but soon lost interest in watching her laugh and enjoy her male companion’s company. He returned his attention to the football game on the television instead. It was something to watch even though he was not that interested in the game being played. He finished his first drink relatively quickly and ordered a second one which he sipped a little slower. He was not planning on staying long as it was a work night and he had an early morning the following day.

Then the barman slid the drink in front of him.

Wilbur thanked him and looked up to see from whom it came. A pleasant smile broke his stern face when he saw the blonde raise her glass and mouth "Cheers" at him. She was by herself now and the man she was with, was nowhere in sight. Wilbur picked up the drink and walked over to her.

"Cheers!" he exclaimed and clinked his glass against hers.

"I was just about to call it a night, but thank you for your kindness," he charmingly lead, "May I ask the name of my beautiful beverage benefactor?"

"Jolene", she replied, "but my friends call me Jo," and smiled back at him. She reached out her hand to greet him.

"I'm Wilbur. My friends call me Will," he smirked at his own wit, "It is lovely to meet you. Do you come here often?"

The two struck up a conversation about the pub, who knew whom there, and it turned out they had a couple of mutual acquaintances. Wilbur preyed on the man she was with, which solicited a loud laugh from her, assuring him that it was just her brother. She was not seeing anyone either, she nonchalantly added, and noticed Wilbur’s eyebrow lift when she mentioned this.

They soon finished their drinks and Wilbur offered to buy her another but she declined, explaining that she had to be at work early the next morning and she could not have a late night. 

"Fair enough,” Wilbur replied, “but could I perhaps settle my debt and buy you a drink sometime?"

"Absolutely! I’d love that," she beamed another broad smile and asked the barman for a napkin. She took a pen from her handbag and scribbled something on it. Jo folded the napkin neatly and handed it to Wilbur. There was a moment when they touched and both felt the other’s caress when their fingers lifted against the other. Their eyes met as they looked up.

"It was lovely meeting you," Jo said, "I look forward to you settling your debt," before she kissed him on the cheek and left.

Wilbur carefully unfolded the napkin so he would not damage the important information held within. The unfolded, white square of tissue paper showed her mobile number with a short note simply saying: 'Call me xxx'

He immediately saved Jo’s mobile number to his phone and then typed her a quick message:

'Now you have mine too. Thanks for an unexpected, yet terrific Tuesday night xxx' 

There was no response from her until later that evening. Wilbur had returned home, showered, and was in bed watching something on the TV. The cowbell message alert rang loudly and when he checked his phone, saw it was from Jo.

'Unexpected indeed! Lovely nonetheless x,' it read.

Nothing else followed and Wilbur sent her a quick reply:

'I couldn’t agree more! Sleep well, I'll call you tomorrow x'

The call to Jo the following day did not go so well. Wilbur was uncharacteristically nervous about asking Jo on a date. He rehearsed a quick plan in his head and felt well prepared about what to say. But when he dialled her number, the phone rang for a while until it went to her voicemail. Wilbur quit the call without leaving a message. He figured he'll try later, which he did after about an hour had lapsed, but when Jo answered, she cut him off and said she'll call him back.

By late afternoon, Wilbur felt a little despondent as he had heard nothing back from Jo. And he did not want to appear over eager by contacting her again. He shrugged his shoulders and thought ‘Whatever’. He was most certainly not going to feel like a puppy waiting for food and decided to move on with his day.

Wilbur returned home later that evening after a run at a nearby park. When he finished his shower, he checked his phone while he was drying his hair.

There were two missed calls from Jo.

"Shit!" he cursed loudly and opened the unread messages.

'Dammit I'm sorry Will, it’s been a hell of a day and I could only call you back when I did. Please call me when you get this x'

There was also a photo attached. It was a close-up of her lips making a kissing pout at the camera.

'Nice!' he thought and hastily replied to her text.

‘I just got out of the shower… call you in 10?' 

He quickly dried off his body and wrapped the towel loosely around his waist. When he picked up his phone again, there was another message from Jo.

'Mmm… just got out the shower? I could always wash your back to make it up to you?' 

He enjoyed her boldness and dialled the number.

"So have you dried off, or are you still a little wet?" she greeted him.

"Still a little wet I'm afraid, but I've got my towel on so it'll dry off soon enough." Wilbur laughed.

Jo giggled and continued to tell Wilbur about her horror day at work. Her boss sounded like a royal prick but he listened intently until she was done.

"So, that's my excuse," she concluded, "would you be so kind as to accept my humble apology, hmmm?" her voice switched to a cutesy, begging voice.

"Well, as it stands, I am the one indebted to you," countered Wilbur, "but to be fair, I did feel a bit done by. So yes, I accept your apology, but you owe me.... hmmm, let's see," he paused for a second, "I might accept that backwash!” They both chuckled.

"Well, I would say yes, but you have not even bought me a drink yet," she coyly giggled.

They chatted for a short while, more flirting than an actual conversation though. Wilbur eventually asked if she was free Saturday evening and they agreed to meet at a well-known restaurant. They were ending their conversation when Jo blurted out:

"You know I’ll need to get you wet first."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Wilbur was caught off-guard.

"I certainly can’t do you ‘dry’, no can I?” she replied suspiciously, and after a quick pause, added, “Your back, that is. Ok then, bye for now, chat soon.” And she hung up.

Wilbur was still smiling and thinking about her words when his phone buzzed. Jo sent him a photo of her in the bath, just showing her legs with feet propped up on the bath rim.

"Now I'm wet..." the message read.

Wilbur was pleasingly surprised by the sexy photo and her subtle, yet, sexual frankness. He was lying on his couch, with only his towel loosely draped around his waist, and took a quick photo of his legs, from the towel down. When he looked at the photo he noticed the outline of his dick under the towel and was about to take another, when he decided against it and sent it anyway.

"Bone dry" his message read.

Jo replied almost immediately:

"Hmm… Dry? Perhaps. But that, sir, is NOT a bone beneath your towel" with a laughing emoji attached.

Will: “Oh you noticed that? What a perve! lol”

Jo: “You might find out…”

Will: “Find out what? That you’re a perve? I apparently know that already haha”

Jo: “You might find out”

Jo: “Exactly how much of a perve I am. “

Jo: “If you’re nice”

Wilbur re-read the messages. Jo’s innuendos were not subtle and he was taken aback by a woman coming across with such sexual confidence. And it was also a huge turn-on for him.

Will: “I was taught to be nice”

Will: “Until the perve comes out! LOL”

Jo: “So Wilbur”

Jo: “That bone of yours…”

Jo: “I’d love to see it”

Wilbur required little convincing and flapped the towel off him and quickly snapped a pic of his dick. It was still flaccid but bulgingly lay on the side of his leg. He sent the pic to Jo, with a kiss emoji attached.

Jo: “Hmmm, I like that”

Jo: “A lot!”

Will: “Well, you have work tomorrow, so you will have to wait until the weekend”

Jo: “I don’t know if I can”

A photo loads.

It’s a close-up photo of her pussy, with two fingers inside it. Her fingers and vulva glistened in the flash’s light, making her soaked condition crystal clear.

“Fuck me! I can be there in 5 minutes!”

Wilbur excitedly typed her a quick reply, then stared lustfully at the photo on his phone.

“Seriously, you’ll come now?” beeps her message a couple of seconds later.

“Absofuckinglutely! Send me your address!” 

Wilbur furiously typed his reply, jumped up to pull on his tracksuit pants, and throw on a long sleeve sweater. He was busy tying his shoelaces when Jo’s message rang.

“23 Balkan Crescent” 

That was all it said. And all that Wilbur needed. He quickly brushed his teeth and straightened his hair before trotting out to his car. After typing Jo’s address into his GPS navigation, he throttled his car onto the freeway. The satellite navigation system told him it would take eleven minutes to reach his destination. Wilbur scoffed at this and was determined to get there in three.

“You have reached your destination” the navigation lady's voice announced. Wilbur drove up and parked in the driveway of a large house in an upmarket area that he knew well. His ex’s parents lived in the same area. He turned back to his car to remotely lock it and quickly checked his phone as he walked up to the front door. There was another message from Jo.

“The door is open. Lock it behind you please” it read.

Wilbur’s excitement had the better of him and he took a second to compose himself before opening the large, pivot-hung timber door. It swung open into a reception area, tastefully decorated with an antique-looking settee and a modern chrome console with a large ceramic vase on it. The travertine tiled floors swept out into a large lounge area. Wilbur was suitably impressed by the stylish home and turned back to close the large door behind him, making sure to turn the lock over.

“Jo!’, he called out, “I’m here!”

He tilted his head, trying to hear something, but there was no answer and he walked further into the house. There was a darkened passage off to the left of the lounge area, and to the right was a lit dining room on the front façade, all of which had a floor-to-ceiling glazed glass. The lounge and dining area overlooked a lush lawn and a swimming pool that shone blue with its underwater lights. Behind the dining area was a modern kitchen. But no Jo. He started to panic a bit, worrying that he is in fact, in the right house. And secondly, what was going on here? His mind was still processing when he heard someone come up behind him.

“I see you found me,” her voice cooed from behind him before he turned around. Jo was standing there with only a white towel wrapped around her, just big enough to nearly cover most of her breasts and dangling below her crotch. Wilbur glared at her, nodding his head as he looked her up and down.

“I certainly have,” he replied, “and what a fine find it is. You are a sight for sore eyes, Jo!” he added in approval.

Jo walked up to him and let the towel drop as she stepped up to him, fully revealing her stunning body to him. Wilbur put his one hand around her head, slipping his fingers through her short blonde hair before gripping a clump and roughly pulling her into his kiss. She let out a little delightful yelp as he grabbed her before their lips made contact, indicative of her enjoyment from the rough handling.

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Wilbur’s mouth moved down to her neck, her head arched backward to present him with it all. Moaning. When his lips left moist kisses behind. Groaning. When his teeth sunk into her soft flesh. His leg wedged between her naked loins, lifting it into her. Jo ground herself against him when he sucked one of her rose-petal-red nipples into his mouth. Both her hands grasped clumps of his hair, pulling him closer onto her and also holding herself up as she rode his flexed quadriceps with her hot mound. Wilbur pulled her one leg higher up against him and reached behind her, smacking her tight ass with a loud pang. Jo gasped as she opened her eyes to look up at Wilbur with a surprised, yet ecstatic expression.

“Oh, you like that, do you?” and bit down on her bottom lip, before she firmly instructed, “Do it again, harder this time!”

Wilbur spun her around and bent her over his raised knee, his open palm spank leaving a welted, fuchsia pink handprint on her otherwise, unblemished perfect derriere. Jo groaned loudly, evidently delighted by the flaming licks which burnt through her. She hungrily gazed back at him over her shoulder.

“Take me now,” she commanded again, “fuck me harder than that pathetic smack you just gave me.”

Wilbur gripped both her arms together, clasped them behind her back with one hand, and gripped a handful of her blonde hair with the other. He steered her towards the kitchen counter like an arrestee to the officer’s vehicle. Jo instinctively fought back but found Wilbur’s strength overpowering as her head was pushed down on the cold granite surface.

“Lift your ass, slut,” he hissed at her, forcing her legs apart with his knees. She tried to look back at him but he wedged his elbow up onto the back of her neck, pinning her head tightly against the counter surface. Jo’s body wriggled and jerked under her aggressor, and shuddered when another blow bore down onto her bare buttocks. She let out an ecstatic groan, spurring Wilbur to strike another. And another. Jo’s loud moans tethered down to a whimper. The scorched heat spread through her body.

Wilbur moved behind her back, admiring the red glowing cheeks shivering in anticipation of their next infliction. He spread her legs wider with his feet and sucked his index and middle fingers into his mouth, and plunged the saliva-lubricated digits into Jo’s cleanly shaved cunt. Shudders rippled through her under the brute insertion that stretched her open. She let out a long lust-fuelled groan and arched her hips up to let her perpetrator sink deeper into her.

Wilbur’s furious finger fucking unlocked her deepest desires and her cunt reciprocated as her juices poured out onto his hand. Wilbur pulled out abruptly and smacked his wet hand against her pussy, her body jolted and trembled.

“Oh yes, bad boy, smack it, make it hurt,” she whinged at him.

She received a three-finger pummelling as a reward. Her juices dripped freely onto the polished tiles. Her moans, increasingly louder. Pushing deep into her, he held his hand there and used his thumb to enter her asshole, intently sliding in until the entire finger was buried inside her. Once her sphincter twitchingly settled around his thumb, Wilbur pulled back slowly and proceeded to ram both her juicy holes. Jo’s ecstatic shrieks echoed through the house as she felt her orgasm rising.

“Harder! Fuck me harder!” she screamed.

Wilbur obliged with a forceful pounding which pushed her over the abyss. Wilbur was caught off guard when Jo’s cunt gushed a hot, golden stream onto the floor, her head banged against the countertop as she screamed and flailed through the squirting climax. Wilbur kept up the pummelling pace until Jo’s body went limp under his grasp. He slowly released his soaked hand out from her holes.

She was a right mess. There was a huge puddle on the travertine tiles, her legs were shower-wet-soaked, and her pussy still dripped like a leaking bathroom faucet.

Wilbur loosened his grip on her wrists when Jo tried to come up. He held her tightly to turn her around and pushed his soaked fingers into her open mouth.

“Clean up your slut juices,” he ordered and scrutinized how she sucked each finger clean. She moaned pleasingly when his thumb entered her mouth and writhed up against him, his swollen cock caressed by her fingers through his trousers.

Jo let his fingers go from her mouth and slowly went down onto her knees in front of him, looking up at him while she untied his tracksuit stings to unravel his bare manhood that baulked upwards as it was released. Jo’s pouted smirk betrayed her joy at the sight of his erection and gripped it firmly before her lips sunk onto his shaft.

Her hot mouth slid down onto his cock, Wilbur watching as it disappeared down her throat until her face was pressed up against his stomach. She initiated a gargling hum that vibrated erotically right down into his scrotum. When she started pumping his cock in and out of her mouth, she pushed his legs apart, and both her hands slid between the gap to clasp his ass tightly, her nails sharply piercing into him. Wilbur growled at the sudden pain, surpassed by the ecstasy of Jo’s delicious mouth fuck.

Jo’s one hand came back down, cupping his balls before she squeezed it, her nails scraping at it that elicited another groan from Wilbur. She briefly disengages his cock and ran her hand up over his soaked shaft, sticking her fingers into her mouth before sucking him into her again. Wilbur grasped Jo by her hair to pull her deeper onto him, his instinctive nature taking over when he suddenly felt a finger sliding into his asshole. She sunk it deep into him and curled it expertly to massage his prostate.

Wilbur flinched at the long nail inside his ass but when she applied the right pressure, his scrotum constricted before exploding his cum down her throat. Jo kept sucking his throbbing cock, swallowing his load while her curled finger fucked his flinching asshole. Wilbur’s knees buckled as his body shivered and trembled, falling forward against the counter which he held onto to keep himself upright. Jo drained the last drops of cum from his twitching cock, before popping it loudly from her mouth.

“Now that was orgasmic,” she laughed and wriggled up against his body leaning over her. Wilbur folded both hands around her face and kissed her, running his tongue into her cum coated mouth.

“That was a brilliant start,” he said to her. “Perhaps we should clean the floor first?” he added with a look at the big puddle that stained the porous tiles. Jo grabbed the towel she had on and dropped it onto the mess.

“You certainly know how to get me going, bad boy,” she moaned seductively at him. “I think my pussy likes you.”

“I think I like her too,” he laughed, and added, “Where is your bedroom?”

“Follow me, handsome,” she grabbed his hand and led him down the dark passage, entering a large room at the end of it. She switched on the lights and Wilbur admired the minimalistic décor, with only a king-size bed and a couch on the one side.

“You have a lovely home,” he said as he stripped off the last pieces of clothing he still had on. Jo was already lying on the bed, on her back with one leg draped over the other.

“Come here, bad boy, come fuck me proper,” she called him.

Wilbur slid up against her body, thrilled by the touch of her moist nakedness pressing against his. He sat up and took hold of both her legs, which he spread open. Jo’s soaked pussy glistened at him, and the sight of her extraordinarily large clitoris stirred new life into his cock.

“Feel that wet pussy,” he instructed, and added, “fuck, your clit is phenomenally sexy, baby!”

Jo happily complied by slapping against her swollen clit a couple of times before slipping two fingers into herself. She looked him in the eyes as hers closed slightly from the pleasured fingering, and her jaw dropped slowly as she ground her hips up against her hand. Wilbur took her hand away, pushing her arms backward as he mounted his mouth onto her.

He tongued into her, lapping at her juices and flicking against her oversized clit, which had swelled to the size of a small erection. He gleefully sucked the pinky-sized clit in between his lips, into his hot mouth and proceeded to give her a ‘mini blowjob’. Jo’s loud moans echoed through the empty house.

“Oh yeah, suck my clit!” she cried out, which incited Wilbur to push her legs further back with his shoulders and enter her with three fingers.

“Aaaahhh! Stretch me open, baby. Give me more, stretch me!” Jo’s begging orders spurred Wilbur to use all four fingers, curling his thumb into his palm and fucked her with his entire hand. Sucking on her inch-sized clit like it was a small cock in between his tightly clasped lips, and hand-fucking her soaked cunt drove Wilbur wild with excitement.

“Turn over!” he suddenly demanded and sat up to flip Jo over onto her stomach. “Head down, ass up,” he instructed and spanked her hard on one butt cheek. Jo groaned in delight, looking back up at Wilbur.

“Fuck, babe. I love that,” she purred at him, wriggling her ass as she lifted for Wilbur. He smacked the other cheek, harder than before, testing Jo’s threshold, but she just moaned louder, arching even higher to present her dripping wet vulva sporting her swollen, mega-clit jutting from her large labia.

“You are so fucking hot,” he uttered in admiration at the luscious sight before him, “and my cock is aching for you!”

He stood up on the bed, turned around over her, and straddled her in a reverse position. Jo lifted her ass for him when he slid his rock-hard erection down between her ass cheeks, forcing it down with his hand so the head would grind over her ass hole. He would pull back once just the glans slipped into her open pussy entrance. Jo’s ass arched up to him when he entered her, longing for his cock to thrust into her hungry cunt. Standing above her, Wilbur lent slightly forward and pushed down to force its trajectory into her ass on a stroke, and when it popped past her twitching sphincter, lustfully viewed his full-length sink into her.

“Oooohh!” an exhaled cry stretched out under the full length of her penetration, and she screamed when Wilbur smacked his flat palm against her drizzling vulva.

Fully buried inside her, he pinched her erect clit between his fingers and with a mini-wanking-motion, stroked it up and down. His free hand prodded fingers into her pussy, massaging down his shaft as he pushed deeper into her. He pulled back slowly and rammed forcefully back inside, steadily fucking while working her clit and cunt. She groaned loudly every time his cock filled her up, moaning in between and even giggling delightfully at one point.

Jo’s eyes rolled back in her head when her orgasm rolled into her like a brewing thunderstorm, screaming uncontrollably as another gush of squirt liquid soaked the white feather-down duvet. Wilbur kept on pounding into her, his hand practically engulfed in Jo’s drenched cunt.

Jo was writhing and moaning underneath him, and she rolled her shoulders to reach for Wilbur's ass which was sliding up and down her raised back.

Wilbur was well aware of Jo’s hand fondling his butt. Her sharp nails dug into his flesh. Then a searing finger slid deep into his ass on a backward stroke. The hot sensation burnt through his body, into his throbbing cock and his growling roar echoed through the building when he exploded inside her. They kept rocking against each other. Into each other. Savouring the zenith of the moment.

More ripples shuddered through her body when Wilbur finally pulled out of her. He slid down her back, his ass and balls resting on the back of her head so he could reach her glistening holes with his mouth. He lapped at her ass and her drenched pussy, and sucked on her erect clit, much to Jo’s dismay as she shook her hips to get him off.

“No! God, no more, Will! Give me a moment, please!” she cried out, laughing uncontrollably as he sucked her into his mouth again.

“You are just so fucking delicious, babe,” he retorted when he finally pulled himself off her. ”I could lick you all day long! I should bottle some of you, to keep on me at all times,” he joked.

He dismounted himself off her back and moved to the bottom of the bed, taking time to relish the rear view of Jo’s butt which was still buttressed up in the air. Droplets of her juices and his cum hung from her cunt, dripping onto the bed. She looked back at him and squeezed her ass to push out a glob of his semen that popped out and dribbled down onto her pussy.

“Now that’s a sight to behold,” Wilbur mused, looking down at Jo watching him.

“A sight you might see again,” she replied blankly, pouting her lips for him.

“Oh, I want more, I definitely want more of you,” he said. “What do you mean ‘I might see again’? What is going to take? Tell me!” he called out in jest.

“We’ll have to see if you behave, naughty boy,” she whispered seductively back to him.

Written by WetWalter
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