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49 minutes ago
Bisexual Female
0 miles · Florida


Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Classic Rewind on Sirius XM - INXS What You Need is currently playing.

Good tunes for a road trip.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by fuzzy1954

no time for music hope to stabilize by the weekend, tarp the holes on roof this morning, before storms return Sunday night.

the debis was stack higher than 8'

Ah the life of living in Kansa

Lion (tired) Out

Hugs a tired Lion. I hope you can catch a break soon. 🥰

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

It's been a while since we've made the drive to Michigan. But we hit the road early this morning to make the trek north. We decided to drive this time so we could take our bikes. Plus we will be in Michigan for over three weeks.

Stopping in Tennessee for a couple of days. The best part of driving is being able to see things along the way.

Working on my SS comp story in the car since he is driving. Hope to have it submitted tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing all of my siblings except one this Friday at a retirement party we are having for hubby. All my kids will be there too. He didn't want a party, but agreed to a small gathering.

Will also go wedding dress shopping with my oldest daughter. The wedding is in Aug. 😳 she's a bit of a procrastinator.

Hope all y'all have a great day.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by fuzzy1954

Praying for Houston and other areas from last night weather, killing at least 4 in Houston.



Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

TGIF! And its a busy one for me. Gym, hair, doc, and following up with my oldest daughter to see what progress she made towards getting the flowers handled for her wedding. I managed to find a dress I really like for her wedding last night at Macy’s. I found 2 others at Dillard's but I will probably return those and still with the Macy’s dress. Its an island wedding so dressy casual is the theme. Still, I may look at the dress shop I am going to with her when I'm up in Michigan because she doesn't have a flipping wedding dress yet! 😳The wedding is in late August. I told her we will get it done! 🤞

Hope the day is a great one for all y’all!😘🥰❤️

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

I have a new story for y’all! I've published the first part and am working on part two.

If You Fly, I’ll Buy is the story of a couple who continue to look for ways to keep their high sex drives satisfied.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by Kee

It's in the Reluctance category and received a RR from the Mod reviewer. The one liner is: "Karen is home alone when two criminals break in to rob her. She's afraid and that's when it gets interesting." She gets very afraid and it becomes very interesting. I hope you take the time and enjoy the read. Please "like" and comment if you feel so inclined. Both help my ego and push to write moresmile. Thanks in advance!

Fabulous story!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Morning Rumpies! wave

It’s a lovely, rainy day in Kentucky!

And LYFBUZ, you must tell me your flirty line that got you that date, or I shall drag you to Storeroom #4 and flog it out of you. 😊

Ummm...can I help?

It's been a rainy day in Florida, too—both yesterday and today. There was a Tornado Watch on both days. We needed rain so badly, and the heavens decided to make up for lost time, apparently. LOL!

I went to pickleball this morning as I am feeling so much better. I was playing pretty well, too! Then I got nailed in the eye with the ball. Fortunately, one of the guys who plays in our group is an ER doc. He made sure I was able to follow his finger with my eyes while someone ran to get me some ice. I managed to stave off a black eye, at least.

Hope all y'all are having a happy hump day!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by LYFBUZ

So, I GOTTA tell you this, even though it will probably make me sound like a jerk:

So I was talking to this really pretty girl with every single one of those nefarious intentions you are imagining. Then I used a flirty line from a story I'm working on and it WORKED! lol like worked really, really well. I'm hysterical. Second date is Friday. Life is good. Cheers!

(The women are all smirking; she was a step ahead of me wasn't she?)

She was…but it’s still lovely to hear anyway. Hope date #2 goes well! 😘

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by TonyaL

It's been quite awhile. Missing my friends and really wanted to pop in and say hi. Resting today after receiving some injections yesterday. Life is busy as always. My littley is almost double digits and keeps me so busy. We have a dance comp this weekend that we are excited to get away for. She will be performing 2 contemporary solos, 2 trios (1 tap and 1 lyrical), and 1 production routine. Her recital is in 2 weeks which she will be doing 10 dance over 3 shows. Her production in all 3 shows, 2 solos, tap trio, contemporary trio, ballet, jazz, hip hop, acro, lyrical, That will be a really busy 2 days. Last month she completely changed her hair and looks like a teenager on me. Im.not ready for this. M⁰y grandsons are all growing too fast as well. They are 1, almost 3, and 4. The oldest is playing teeball and the middle one is learning how to ride and wants a dirt bike for his birthday. What's going on with everyone here. It would take me more forever to read everything I've missed over the last several months. I hope everyone is doing well. Please don't be afraid to drop me a line now and then. I'd really love to hear from you. Hugs to all my favorite lushies here at rumpies

Awww I miss those dance days!

It’s good to see you here! I can’t recall when we last spoke, but I now have 4 Grandkids, the youngest being 6 weeks old. She’s a sweet baby, though she seems to have days and nights a bit confused still.

As Bear mentioned, I was pretty sick for a while but I’m doing much better.

Hopefully we will see more of you here. 😘

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Install done! I’ll be in my corner, sleeping…


Puts a lil blanket over you.

I just need to fill my water bottle this morning. I'm off to the gym in a few.

Happy Tuesday! 😎

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Thanks, Kat! 😘

I’m too old for this middle-of-the-night install shit. sad

Will keep the coffee flowing if you need caffeine!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Leave the light on tonight, Bearkeep. I’m bringing my laptop in for a 4am install for my client and will probably digging into the drinks and popcorn machine.

Hang in there!

Kimmi’s drinks are on me tonight. 🍷

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Morning all y’all. Yawns and stretches.

It has been a while since hubby traveled for work without me tagging along. Which means I did not get enough sleep last night. So, a tea with lots of caffeine would be helpful this morning. ☕🫖

Hope all y’all are having a good start to your morning. 😘