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Boys Do Cry

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**Smile, it's free therapy**

Hey guys,

I have recently found out that one of my best guy friends is having some struggles.

With the social pressure to be "tough" he's tried to hide it and "man up" for over a year, which has made things worse.

However, he heard a song which helped him to open up to someone (will link this below).

This is just a little post to say that it is okay to not be okay.
Those of you that are feeling it, reach out to your loved ones and/or seek professional help.

Talk, cry, laugh, cut out social media, turn the news off.

Be honest with yourself, be honest in your friendships and relationships.

Do whatever you need to do to feel better, but do not isolate yourselves from the ones that care for you.

It will get better because you are not alone.

If this song that helped my friend helps even just one more guy, then it was completely worth it.


Louis Dunford: Boys Do Cry

I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.

You might as well check them out:




Thanks for that - very helpful. Speaking personally, I can recommend therapy.

Active Ink Slinger
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I did not when my wife was about.

I don't mind having a good cry now when I need to. After losing my first granddaughter, aged four, five years ago, I still get very emotional when I think about her, and choke up when looking at photos of her.


Quote by redcaramel01

I did not when my wife was about.

I don't mind having a good cry now when I need to. After losing my first granddaughter, aged four, five years ago, I still get very emotional when I think about her, and choke up when looking at photos of her.

jesus christ i have a nearly four year old daughter and this broke me up. sometimes just thinking of a possible world without her destroys me.

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I've learned that "nothing grows without water"

Advanced Wordsmith

Yes, we do cry.

I always make it a point to tell the people I care about that "I'm happy to see them" because I want them to know that even if they think they are the biggest piece of shit on the planet at least one person is glad to see them. That matters a lot sometimes.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I cry a lot anymore, or at least tear up. Get quite emotional about certain pieces of music, for instance.

Nothing new on here, but my entry in the latest comp on StoriesSpace took third place!

Read it here: Plus One

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Crying for no normal reason was a symptom of my low serotonin—multiple burnouts caused by high levels of stress and anxiety that brought on depression

Active Ink Slinger

I think that it is perfectly okay for humans, men and women, to express our emotions. The struggle for men is that sometimes we do not know what is causing it, or how to identify the emotion that we are experiencing.

Please do not think that men always need to be tough and cannot cry. If you want to relieve yourself without appearing "weak", maybe watch a touching movie, and cry at the right plot.

Certified Mind Reader

Many of the toughest guys are the biggest pussies when it comes to feeling their feelings. What are you so afraid of, you cowards?! Emotions are what they are, and they might be uncomfortable but in and of themselves, they won't kill you, especially if you manage them properly (i.e. acknowledge, confront, accept, and deal with them directly, rather than denying they exist and covering them up or avoiding them).

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.

Advanced Wordsmith

Tears come from strength, never from weakness

Advanced Wordsmith

Not often, I see some very traumatic stuff in my career and deal with those burdens pretty well. However, I’ll tear up to plenty of songs. Music has been the biggest way for me to shed some tears, if the music is sounding good and the story of the song hits you right in the feels, yeah I’ll be a puddle then.

Rookie Scribe

Do I cry? Short answer is yes However it only happens when theres noone around. Aside from my dogs there isnt a living soul that has ever seen my tears

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Quote by Georgia_27_8

Hey guys,

I have recently found out that one of my best guy friends is having some struggles.

With the social pressure to be "tough" he's tried to hide it and "man up" for over a year, which has made things worse.

However, he heard a song which helped him to open up to someone (will link this below).

This is just a little post to say that it is okay to not be okay.
Those of you that are feeling it, reach out to your loved ones and/or seek professional help.

Talk, cry, laugh, cut out social media, turn the news off.

Be honest with yourself, be honest in your friendships and relationships.

Do whatever you need to do to feel better, but do not isolate yourselves from the ones that care for you.

It will get better because you are not alone.

If this song that helped my friend helps even just one more guy, then it was completely worth it.


Louis Dunford: Boys Do Cry

The first thing that helped me was to understand, "I am not a bad person." That was my starting point. Despite a number of fuck-ups and bad decisions, I felt in my heart that I wasn't a bad person. I didn't want to harm anyone. Understanding that I wasn't a bad person was the first step toward being honest with myself. At least I could pat myself on the back for that. That was when I was in my early twenties - a time in my life when I was terribly insecure, and functioning within society was a mystery. I knew I was approaching serious emotional trouble and sought counseling which helped greatly. I'm not sure I ever figured out the mystery, but the journey gradually became gratifying. Fifty-plus years later, I'm still learning and I love life.

If you feel in your heart that you are a bad person, seek professional help.

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And boys cry. I do now more than ever...because I'm no longer afraid to.

Active Ink Slinger
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Seems like I cry now more than I did when I was younger.

Active Ink Slinger
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When it comes to men crying, social convention dictates too many narrow parameters, and that's bullshit to me. The problem is the hedgemony and various people who don't care, even if they say they do. All these standards lead to men suffering mentally. I remember the last time I broke down; it was a series of events that caused a mental cataclysm. The time before that it was a resurfacing memory of a woman I fell in love with, who tragically died before I could even express it. At the vigil, her mom and brother had told me she had talked about me, how much, I don't know, but it had to be significant.

Certified Mind Reader

Crying is like an orgasm of sadness. Let it out and let go. You'll feel better.

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.

The Linebacker
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I cry if l lose money. 😢


Quote by AliRegretsNothing

Tears come from strength, never from weakness

And that is the truth.I cry and I'm not ashamed that I do